#OrangeIsTheNewBlack lei la biondina della porta accanto che a sua insaputa le succede la qualunque dopo essere finita in prigione per peccati dimenticati di gioventù. Una S1 scoppiettante che esplora vari aspetti della vita in un carcere femminile. La S1 ben fatta ma per le altre sei mi prendo un attimo di respiro che non è esattamente una serie leggera. #recensionibrutte
#orangeisthenewblack #recensionibrutte
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E10を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E09を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
@Karolina @FruH Ja Mr Mercedes fanns det en sån tant i .....hon
som spelar ryskan i #OrangeIsTheNewBlack
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E08を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E07を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E06を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E05を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E04を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
The greatest ship on Orange is the New Black is CO Alvarez and Gina Murphy. #OrangeIsTheNewBlack #OITNB #COAlvarez #NicholasWebber #GinaMurphy #AbigailSavage
#orangeisthenewblack #oitnb #coalvarez #nicholaswebber #ginamurphy #abigailsavage
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E03を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
We totes stan Desi Piscatella and CO Ryder Blake from Orange is the New Black. #OrangeIsTheNewBlack #OITNB #DesiPiscatella #BradWilliamHenke #CORyderBlake #NickDillenburg
#orangeisthenewblack #oitnb #desipiscatella #bradwilliamhenke #coryderblake #nickdillenburg
Why don’t you just get a motel room in a motel already, Marie Brock and Rhea Boyle from Orange is the New Black? #OrangeIsTheNewBlack #OITNB #MarieBrock #JoLampert #RheaBoyle #YelenaShmulenson
#orangeisthenewblack #oitnb #mariebrock #jolampert #rheaboyle #yelenashmulenson
Actors from "Orange is the New Black" reveal their residual checks are only around $20. Meanwhile, the CEO of Netflix made over $20 MILLION last year.
As part of the contract negotiations, streaming services have refused to make their viewership numbers public, instead insisting that actors and writers merely "trust them" to pay fairly.
#WGAStrong #WGAstrike #SAGAFTRA #ActorsStrike #ActorsLife #ActorsGuild #SAG #OITNB #OrangeIsTheNewBlack
#wgastrong #wgastrike #sagaftra #actorsstrike #actorslife #actorsguild #sag #oitnb #orangeisthenewblack
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Dominga “Daddy” Duarte from “Orange is the New Black“ - #OrangeIsTheNewBlack #LWTVcotd https://lezwatchtv.com/character/dominga-daddy-duarte/
#lwtvcotd #orangeisthenewblack
Pink News: Orange is the New Black stars speak out about ‘crazy and unjust’ pay for Netflix megahit https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/14/orange-is-the-new-black-cast-members-slam-netflix-pay-inequality/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #orangeisthenewblack #Culture #netflix #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #orangeisthenewblack #Culture #netflix #TV
寝る前にOrange Is the New BlackのS07E02を見た
#imdb #orangeisthenewblack #Netflix
Just another example of how the system is utterly broken. Netflix execs and shareholders take home wheelbarrows full of cash while the actors on their shows can't make an actual living from them. #TV #OrangeIsTheNewBlack #netflix
#tv #orangeisthenewblack #netflix
Happy 10 year anniversary to #OrangeIsTheNewBlack
Kids these days don't even know that there was a time when Netflix shows could get a 7 seasons run