#artificialintelligence rendering of the an #alien world leader
#OrangeJesus is really #OrangeDemon
#artificialintelligence #alien #orangejesus #orangedemon
@andrewstroehlein it's long been my theory that many on the right, including white nationalists, can not explain why they hate so many groups, starting with anyone who doesn't look like them, women who don't look "feminine" enough, gays (even though Jesus didn't tell them that), the press (because #orangeJesus said so), any random Democrat (they are all groomers, baby-killers, and child mutilators), and the notion of being "woke" (see also "the PC police" circa 10-20 years ago)
@lolgop arrest them. Enough. #karilake file your lawsuit like #orangejesus told you too. I’m sure @marcelias isnt tired of winning.
Nothing says “conservative Republican” like a dad of a #massshooter that is just concerned his murderous son wasn’t #gay and #organizedreligion aka #mormons just don’t do “gay” in addition because #orangejesus loves porn and pays #hushmoney to porn stars everything is ok!!! This is actual though process by the dad of the shooter at #coloradosprings - FFS.
#massshooter #gay #organizedreligion #Mormons #orangejesus #hushmoney #coloradosprings
If anyone thinks that the #gop shedding the filth of #OrangeJesus is a good thing it isn’t. This is an attempt to gain American confidence to win #elections for power. Period. #Trump controls the house now and until the gop stops the ridiculous #hatespeech #investigations ect. And actually have some #policy they will not be viewed as a viable political party. @MeidasTouch
#gop #orangejesus #elections #trump #hatespeech #Investigations #policy
@DeanObeidallah the #gop is fully in the control of #OrangeJesus - it’s sickening.
@TomRaftery sad but it’s time. The bringing back of #OrangeJesus #Kanyeidiot and #MarjorieThreeNames👍👍 is too much hate.
#orangejesus #kanyeidiot #marjoriethreenames
@rbreich I’m sure #Twitter is in its death knell. Adding #OrangeJesus back is the final straw.