Last week, we have done something which many people did not think possible only some years ago.
Sometimes the road might be long, but if we walk together, we can do it…
RT @TerryReintke: RATIFY THE ISTANBUL CONVENTION - or at least be honest that you don’t care enough about the fight against violence against women.
#orangetheworld #ViolenceAgainstWomen
#orangetheworld #ViolenceAgainstWomen
RT @EUAmbKenya: Around 2 000 girls at risk in N. Pokot, @GMCEndFGM activists #FrontlineEndingFGM ✊say. With the drought killing cattle, girls' dowry is needed to replace them.
Let's work together to end all forms of violence against women and girls.
#SayNoStopVAW #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
#FrontlineEndingFGM #saynostopvaw #16days #orangetheworld
After one of her friends was married as a child, Ahed started rapping to raise awareness on women rights and ways to #endGBV. 🎙️🎶
We met her at the safe space for women and girls 🧡 in Zaatari refugee camp 🇯🇴, run by @UNFPA and supported by our funding.
Together, let's end gender-based violence. #OrangeTheWorld
Did you know that, in conflict and crisis, women and girls are disproportionately affected by physical, emotional, or sexual violence?
Together with the @UN Refugee Agency, we are doing our best to keep survivors safe.
Education can play a positive role in reducing gender-based violence. We are working towards bringing a holistic inclusive #education to refugees/asylum seekers, displaced persons and those in the host communities, regardless of gender.
#GBV #humanrights #OrangeTheWorld
#education #gbv #humanrights #orangetheworld
Did you know that, in conflict and crisis, women and girls are disproportionately affected by physical, emotional, or sexual violence?
Together with the @UN Refugee Agency, we are doing our best to keep survivors safe.
#OrangeTheWorld @Refugees_EU
“Grensoverschrijdend gedrag: trek een grens!” Shantie Singh ziet dat omstanders op straat of in de trein vaak de helden van alledag zijn #orangetheworld
📣¡Unámonos para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres y niñas, hoy y todos los días! 🖐️🟠
Disfruta nuevamente del concierto⤵️
#UEGuatemala #PintaElMundoNaranja #25N #OrangeTheWorld | @ONUGuatemala @onumujeresgt @Oacnudh_GT @SaraCurruchich
#UEGuatemala #PintaElMundoNaranja #25N #orangetheworld
"Saludo y honro la memoria de todas las mujeres que en sus diferentes profesiones y ocupaciones brillan y se atreven a dar el paso para empoderar los liderazgos de mujeres y niñas." Rosalina Tuyuc, fundadora de @conaviguagt
#UEGuatemala @ONUGuatemala #orangetheworld #ÚNETE
#UEGuatemala #orangetheworld #Únete
📣¡Unámonos para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres y niñas, hoy y todos los días! 🖐️🟠
#ÚNETE #16DíasDeActivismo @ONUGuatemala @onumujeresgt @Oacnudh_GT
#PintaElMundoNaranaja #FinALaViolenciaYA #UEGuatemala #OrangeTheWorld
RT @ONUGuatemala: Cantos a la memoria
#Únete #16DíasdeActivismo #PintaElMundoNaranaja #FinALaViolenciaYA #UEGuatemala #orangetheworld
Mika Kanervavuori de @Oacnudh_GT y @MoniPizani de @onumujeresgt hacen un recorrido de los #16DíasDeActivismo 🌎 y la campaña #ÚNETE para actuar a favor de generar conciencia y prevenir la violencia contra mujeres y niñas.
#UEGuatemala @ONUGuatemala #orangetheworld
#16DíasdeActivismo #Únete #UEGuatemala #orangetheworld
🔴“Cantos a la Memoria y a los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres”, de la cantautora 🇬🇹 @SaraCurruchich, para cerrar la campaña #ÚNETE para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres.
#UEGuatemala #OrangeTheWorld @onumujeresgt @Oacnudh_GT @ONUGuatemala
#Únete #UEGuatemala #orangetheworld
Over the past #16DaysOfActivism, we have said NO to #ViolenceAgainstWomen and girls. The #16days of activism may be over, but we will not stay silent until we see a world free from violence against women and girls. #OrangeTheWorld
#16DaysOfActivism #ViolenceAgainstWomen #16days #orangetheworld
🟠 اقترحنا على شخصيات مغربية يكونو في موقف شهود على حالات عنف ضد نساء و فتيات.. تعددت القصص و ردة الفعل واحدة : #مانجاوبوش_بالسكات
#16daysofactivisme #OrangeTheWorld #SayNoStopVAW #EU4Women
#مانجاوبوش_بالسكات #16daysofactivisme #orangetheworld #saynostopvaw #EU4Women
🟠 اقترحنا على شخصيات مغربية يكونو في موقف شهود على حالات عنف ضد نساء و فتيات.. تعددت القصص و ردة الفعل واحدة : #مانجاوبوش_بالسكات
#16daysofactivisme #OrangeTheWorld #SayNoStopVAW #EU4Women
#مانجاوبوش_بالسكات #16daysofactivisme #orangetheworld #saynostopvaw #EU4Women
Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund e.V.
➡️letzte Tag der internationalen #OrangeTheWorld -Kampagne. Der @Akademikerinnen Ibund beteiligt sich und ruft dazu auf, Gewalt, auch versteckte Mikrogewalt, gegen Frauen zu beenden. Holt Euch Hilfe. Bildet Banden und seid solidarisch. Frauen helfen Frauen
HUMAN RIGHTS FOR WOMEN - Soroptimists work towards equality for all & an end to Gender Based Violence. If you think the same way, consider joining. Together we can achieve more. Email: #SoroptimistBristol #16DaysOfActivism #OrangeTheWorld
#soroptimistbristol #16daysofactivism #orangetheworld
RT @CHIRIACRamona1: #togetherforwomenssafety #orangetheworld #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
#togetherforwomenssafety #orangetheworld #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
For some female Rohingya refugees in Kutupalong – the world’s largest refugee camp – nightfall brings fear.
This initiative offers reason for hope for a future free of violence. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld