CONGRESS OF ORANIA: "Can Orania become a home for 1 Million Afrikaners?" Based on what we have already achieved and compared to other micro-nations (Singapore, Hong Kong, Luxembourg) we believe that YES, we can! 🧡🤍💙💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻#VolkstaatNow #Orania
aug 26 article on orania's expansion, must ts to english
there's a lot of truth to the saying dont fret overly on the dying structure and its problems, focus on the new better we'll build in replacing it. and that is the hope and reality of #Orania
Orania Medical and Security building. Our personel are top notch, dedicated & no-nonsense. Good pilots, great policing, excellent med staff. We thank them for their service & are grateful that our people live without fear and in peace and safety in Orania. #VolkstaatNow #Orania
Volkstaters have no fear! Orania is BUILDING! BUILDING! BUILDING HARD! Here comes a great city. A city of passion for our people. A city for freedom. Just your watch. #VolkstaatNow #Volkstaat
#Orania #OraniaSterk #Volkstaat10 #ElonMusk
Theodora Reiber 🇺🇸🇸🇪🇪🇦
Orania has a population of 3.000. All the best for you but you are hardly a city.
#elonmusk #volkstaat10 #oraniasterk #orania #volkstaat #volkstaatnow
Jul 14
From-Town-to-City! An Oranian builds his own house. Next door another...then another! Pay attention when we tell you that Orania is one huge construction site. We're building like crazy. Soon we will be a great city. #VolkstaatNow #Volkstaat #Orania #BouDieStad #BuildtheCity
#buildthecity #boudiestad #orania #volkstaat #volkstaatnow
Orania, la ciudad apartheid
África es muy diversa, con 54 países y más de 3000 grupos étnicos , la mayoría nativos del continente. En Sudáfrica, más de diez grupos culturales contribuyen a la riqueza cultural del país. Sin embargo, hay un grupo étnico que se ha diferenciado de la mayoría de las personas en África.
#Actualidad #AfroReflexin #Africa #Afrofminas #Apartheid #migrantes #Orania #racismo
#actualidad #afroreflexin #africa #afrofminas #apartheid #migrantes #orania #racismo
Bildbeschreibung: Menschen stehen vor dem mit Farbbeuteln verschönerte Orania Hotel und halten Banner mit "Ausbeutung, Krieg & Kapitalismus, nicht mit uns! G7 Stoppen" und "Gegen Staat und Kapital. G7 Stoppen radikal." #G7Elmau
RT @noborder161
Heute wurde das Luxushotel #orania in Kreuzberg blockiert. Es hat den gleichen Betreiber wie #schlosselmau und trägt massiv zur Gentrifizierung bei. Solidarität mit allen Aktionen gegen #G7El…
#g7Elmau #orania #SchlossElmau #G7El