Viktor Orbán wants to turn Hungary into a 'major battery powerhouse'.
Some 30 factories are expected to make the country one of the world leaders in electric car batteries by 2030. Local residents are worried about the consequences of this rapid industrialisation.
#Cars #ev #batteries #orban #viktororban #Hungary
If pro #Russia party wins 30 September #Slovakia national election, #Orban of #Hungary will have an anti- #EU ally & aid to #Ukraine will stop immediately. If Russian slav-language propaganda isn't refuted loudly in Slovak & if #Europe doesn't get its act together on #democracy, it will fail sooner or later except as a market
#russia #slovakia #orban #hungary #eu #ukraine #europe #democracy
An Open Letter to Tucker Carlson from a Hungarian Conservative
> Family, history, tradition, language—these values are extremely important to millions of Hungarians, but they are merely smoke and mirrors to our prime minister. For Orbán, they are “political consumer products” Orbán uses these values to cloak the true nature of his regime: the theft of public wealth, [..] and the preservation of power needed to keep on stealing. #Hungary #ViktorOrban #Orban #TuckerCarlson
#tuckercarlson #orban #viktororban #Hungary
A good read: 'An Open Letter to Tucker Carlson from a #Hungarian Conservative'
#Hungary #Orban
🇭🇺🇪🇺 Orban: “L’Occident doit conclure un accord avec la Russie sur l’Ukraine” 📰
#RevuedePresse #Politique #International #Hongrie #Orban #GuerreEnUkraine
#revuedepresse #politique #international #hongrie #orban #GuerreEnUkraine
#Serbia seems not ready for it. Currently, we already have people like #Orbàn to deal with.
We don't need troublemakers like the current Serbian president #AleksandarVučić in #Europe. Vučić was Minister of Information under the #SlobodanMilošević administration. The same Milošević, who stood trail as war criminal at #DenHaag.
For example: Vučić openly and publicly celebrated and called for the protection of #RatkoMladić, a military leader convicted of committing genocide.
#serbia #orban #AleksandarVucic #europe #slobodanmilosevic #DenHaag #ratkomladic
"Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has followed Moscow's lead. Sixteen years have passed since the Hungarian leader last debated a competitor. …
Autocrats see debates as risky to their brand, and leaders who rely on corruption, violence, and lies don’t exactly want to be questioned —least of all Trump, who has multiple indictments hanging over him."
Trump #Putin #Orbán #debate #StrongMen #authoritarianism
#Putin #orban #debate #Strongmen #authoritarianism
#Ungheria #Turchia
Il Primo ministro Viktor #Orbán (#Fidesz|NI) ha incontrato il Presidente turco Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan (#AKP|Destra).
I due hanno discusso di Cooperazione energetica e ratifica dell'adesione della #Svezia alla #NATO.
Erdoğan ha annunciato al premier magiaro che visiterà nuovamente Budapest il 18 dicembre.
#ungheria #turchia #orban #Fidesz #erdogan #akp #svezia #nato
Ministerpräsident Viktor #Orbán will #Ungarn als internationales Zentrum des Sports darstellen und holt ein Großereignis nach dem nächsten ins Land. So erzeugter Nationalstolz soll über andere Probleme hinwegtäuschen.
Orbán beleidigt Martin Schulz als „Kommunisten“
Schulz: Leute wie #Orban meinen, „dass ihnen, sobald sie in der Mehrheit sind, das ganze Land gehört, und dass diejenigen, die sich ihnen widersetzen, keine Konkurrenten, sondern Feinde sind, die ausgerottet werden müssen. Schulz zufolge ist dies eine #faschistische Denkweise, die die Grundsätze der Demokratie in Frage stellt.“
Bravo Schulz!
Wie soll ich einer #Union, die sich mit #Orban oder #Trumpistys gemein macht, eine „Brandmauer“ zur AfD glauben?
@EU_Commission Any plans on fighting against #BookBans within the #EU, like those #Christofacist #Hungary under #Orban imposes?
If not, please shove those "#FineWords" of yours right up your backside...
#finewords #orban #Hungary #christofacist #EU #BookBans
"#American #conservatives not alone in harkening to the #Orbán playbook. Its systematic dismantling of liberal institutions in #Hungary has made him the titular head of a global national-conservative movement, which currently includes #GiorgiaMeloni of #Italy, Marine Le Pen of #France, Santiago Abascal of the Vox party in #Spain, Jaroslaw Kaczynski of Poland’s Law & Justice party, Benjamin Netanyahu of Likud in #Israel, the far-rt Sweden Democrats party, & now America’s #MAGA #Republicans ."
#republicans #MAGA #Israel #spain #France #Italy #giorgiameloni #Hungary #orban #conservatives #american