With over 4,000 satellites in orbit, SpaceX's Starlink continues to perform an alarming 140 evasive maneuvers daily, sparking concerns about the growing risk of collisions in Low Earth Orbit.
#orbitaldebris #SpaceX #Starlink
With over 4,000 satellites in orbit, SpaceX's Starlink continues to perform an alarming 140 evasive maneuvers daily, sparking concerns about the growing risk of collisions in Low Earth Orbit.
#orbitaldebris #spacex #starlink
Earlier today, a piece of #OrbitalDebris or #SpaceJunk came within a quarter mile of the International Space Station. The ISS was able to move out of the path, but our use of orbital space is becoming more congested. Orbital space is a shared resource - a global #commons. I wrote about how Ostrom's principles for commons governance might apply to space resources here:
#Commons #spacejunk #orbitaldebris
MTRL - Orbital Debris [IO Records]
#Minimal #Ambient #Atmospheric #AmosphericMinimal #Deep #DeepMinimal #Downbeat #ElectronicMusic #Music #NowListeningTo #nowPlaying #MTRL #OrbitalDebris #Territories #IORecords
#minimal #ambient #atmospheric #amosphericminimal #deep #deepminimal #downbeat #electronicmusic #music #nowlisteningto #nowplaying #mtrl #orbitaldebris #territories #iorecords
' I think we are going to lose the ability to use certain orbits because the carrying capacity is going to get saturated by objects and junk....
And I also predict that we will see a loss of human life by (1) school-bus sized objects ... surviving reentry and hitting a populated area, or (2) ... civil and commercial astronauts basically having their vehicle getting scwhacked by an unpredicted piece of junk. '
#space #satellites #orbitaldebris #spacejunk