Ansgar Schmidt :verified: · @Ansi
506 followers · 1582 posts · Server
Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦 · @nafnlaus
641 followers · 1087 posts · Server

@ross Play for a while, you'll get a much better understanding of the (very counterintuitive) nature of :)

Oh, and how did they calculate things in the ? While final trajectories were analyzed with (compute-intensive) , rough trajectories were created with "", which basically sort of converts a trajectory into a problem.

#kerbalspaceprogram #orbitaldynamics #1960s #nbodysimulations #patchedconics #geometry

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian J. O'Neill · @astroengine
186 followers · 14 posts · Server

NASA's mission has arrived at the , becoming the first to orbit the moon and the first spacecraft ever to occupy a near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) - the same orbit that will be used by Gateway, the space station that will support the Program:

#satellites #nasa #space #orbitaldynamics #artemis #cubesat #moon #capstone

Last updated 2 years ago

Ansgar Schmidt :verified: · @Ansi
370 followers · 1126 posts · Server
Les capsules du prof Lutz · @lutzray
197 followers · 2972 posts · Server


<avec une voix de père noël agacé qui tient un ticul sur ses genoux> :

«Bon, j'comprends pu là...Quesses-tu veux pour Noël? Orbiter autour de L2 ou de L4-L5? Euh, non (osti qu'chu méta😏 ) Tu veux la souveraineté ou tu veux un bon gouvernement? Tu veux pas les deux?»

#orbitaldynamics #politique

Last updated 3 years ago