Challenge accepted @m (via @axmonkey)
1. Post a great album with no explanation
2. Tag others to do the same:
@thanius @martenbjorklund @marcuslofstrom @SannaHuttu
Metal bands or songs that have had an impact on me 2022. In no particular order (and thus not a ranking).
Orbit Culture (SWE) - Flight of the Fireflies​
Hey, is it #MetalMonday? I think it is!
Five bands I’m listening a lot to at the moment:
This performance by Opeth of their song Ghost of Perdition in the Red Rocks open air amphitheatre in the Rocky Mountains foothills above Denver is just mindbendingly good, and it means a little extra to me as I used to live there, a good 20 years ago.
#metalmonday #MaximumTheHormone #orbitculture #jinjer #boris #opeth