stark@techhub:~$ β–ˆ · @Stark9837
478 followers · 2459 posts · Server


You want your settings to look something like this. Yours will of course differ, but this also caught me off guard the first time I used and

Notice the difference between min-fan-speed and layer-time and max-fan-speed and layer-time. For some reason, I confused the definitions of them initially, but if you hover over them, you'll get a definition.

Start with these settings, and then fine tune them until the fan speed is constant across your entire outer surface.

Start by first setting your print speed. Then look at your layer times, find the longest and shortest layer time.

Use these values for your min and max layer time, but try to get them closer to each other.

Then experiment with the min and max fan speed until you have a constant color.


#bambuslicer #orcaslicer #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

3D Printing · @3dprinting
429 followers · 1134 posts · Server

πŸ–₯️ Slicers, the heart of 3D printing!

πŸš€ Which one is your ultimate choice? Are you a fan of 's simplicity, enjoying 's comprehensive features, or perhaps jumping aboard the hype train for the up-and-coming ? Or maybe you prefer the classic path with vanilla ?

Cast your vote and share your slicer preferences with the community! Let's find out which slicer reigns supreme! πŸ—³οΈπŸŽ‰


#cura #prusaslicer #orcaslicer #bambuslicer #3dprinting #slicerwars #slicingsoftware

Last updated 1 year ago$ β–ˆ · @Stark9837
397 followers · 2111 posts · Server


I am really enjoying . I've printer probably 30 hours with it.

I created my profile by copying over my profile, but actually found it not to work as good, so I tweaked it and found that there is a clear difference in extrusion rates. My OrcaSlicer profile uses 0.98 extrusion multiplier and PrusaSlicer 1.06, with other values also being different.

I don't know how to put my finger on it. But looking at a part, I decide which I am going to use to slice it, and it always comes out good.

It won't be replacing PrusaSlicer anytime soon for me, but it is now another tool in my arsenal.


#orcaslicer #prusaslicer #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3489 followers · 266675 posts · Server

Orca Slicer Is The New Game In Town - Slicers are the neat little tools that take your 3D models and turn them into G-co... -

#slicer #orcaslicer #3dprinting #3dprinterhacks

Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ β–ˆ · @Stark9837
338 followers · 1835 posts · Server


The other thing is. With in the printer's custom where you set the start, end,layer-change, etc. Gcode. You can access variables such as temperature and layers, etc.

You, however, can't access variables like acceleration limits and use those values to emit them to your Macros when you run .

So I need to look at a print, think a bit. Set limits in Klipper, transfer said limits to , generate gcode, and then print.

actually will honor your request to print slower or faster, but there is something wrong with its flow rate.

If you slice an object and switch to the flow-rate view. The color codes clearly show that it exceeds your set max. However , in speed-view, you can see that the speed is correct. And in during printing and can actively see how it changes the acceleration limits as it prints overhangs, perimiters, and briges.

As you can see, I am between 2 slicers here


#prusaslicer #gcode #klipper #orcaslicer #mainsail #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ β–ˆ · @Stark9837
338 followers · 1835 posts · Server


Unfortunately, I stopped caring about the acceleration limits and everything in since I started to run because it actually tells you that the limits are only for time predictions and aren't Ctually emitted to .

But when you use and you insert custom accelerations and dynamic-overhang-speeds and limits, the printer actually honors it.

So, not only are my time predictions with OrcaSlicer more accurate, but I am actually printing at the rate that I want to and chose in the slicer.

But then finally, I have to say. OrcaSlicer does not honor flow-rate limits as well as PrusaSlicer does. If I tell PrusaSlicer to never exceed 12mm^3/s, it would slow itself down.

OrcaSlicer justs YOLOs itself past that limit, and my exteuders start to skip!


#prusaslicer #klipper #gcode #orcaslicer #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

Ξ› L Ξ X · @alex
24 followers · 82 posts · Server

TIL the hard way: if your internet goes out, can’t fetch your profile and your machine or filament presets πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜©


Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ β–ˆ · @Stark9837
322 followers · 1741 posts · Server

I just tried for the first time, I've just not had time to test it until now.

Because it was based on , , and , I hoped that I could just import my PrusaSlicer config, but could not because it expected a .json file and PrusaSlicer outputs a .ini, but I might have done this incorrectly.

So I configure a "Generic Klipper setup" and copied the values by hand by comparing settings with my PrusaSlicer setup and a bit of experience and intuition.

My first resulting print, a custim part by me compared to the PrusaSlicer, was worlds apart. The finish was greatly improved with bridges requiring no supports, however it did print a bit slower, 28 minutes instead of 18 minutes, but this might still just be speed settings.

I like the UI, although I am more used to PrusaSlicer, and I especially love that I can access and from within the app.


#orcaslicer #prusaslicer #superslicer #slic3r #mainsail #klipper #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

phranck :next: · @phranck
939 followers · 1802 posts · Server

Wow, compiling the (fork of ) by yourself takes a really long time! Even on a Mac Studio M1 Max. 😳

#orcaslicer #bambustudio

Last updated 2 years ago