Global News BC: B.C. cherry farmers concerned about crop damage amid rain; helicopters on stand-by #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #helicopterdryingoffruit #OkanaganCherryfarmers #Okanaganfruitfarmers #BCcherrygrowers #cherryindustry #cherryorchards #FruitFarmers #fruitharvest #Environment #CherryTrees #orchardists #CropDamage
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #helicopterdryingoffruit #okanagancherryfarmers #okanaganfruitfarmers #bccherrygrowers #cherryindustry #cherryorchards #fruitfarmers #fruitharvest #environment #cherrytrees #orchardists #cropdamage
#ClimateChange challenges
Trouble is brewing for #tea growers, #orchardists and other #farmers in rain-deficient #HimachalPradesh as #agriculture is largely rain-fed. With over 70 per cent deficiency in #rainfall and scanty #snow witnessed since January, the farmers are suffering severe #crop failure in terms of both quality and quantity.
#snow #farmers #agriculture #rainfall #crop #india #climatechange #tea #orchardists #himachalpradesh