Prossimamente... ah, no! sono già qui.
ps. e pensare che un tempo i bambini li mangiavano i comunisti
#itagliani #disegnini #acquasporca #acquerelli #matita #catrame #vergogna #orchi #evoluzionedellaspecie #corruzionedellafattispecie #giustizia #inmemoriam e #adpersonam #watercolor #sketching #drawing #justice #blame and #shameless
#disegninimostruosi #itagliani #DISEGNINI #acquasporca #acquerelli #matita #catrame #vergogna #orchi #evoluzionedellaspecie #corruzionedellafattispecie #giustizia #inmemoriam #adpersonam #watercolor #sketching #drawing #justice #blame #shameless
Sei una mamma? Ti riconosci? Indicaci quale sei nella foto. Non barare, quella sotto.
#adoroilgenio #20maggio #LOTR #scuola #mamma #mamme #orchi #professori #colloqui #colloquicoiprofessori #istruzione #madriefigli #mammeefigli
#adoroilgenio #20Maggio #lotr #scuola #mamma #Mamme #orchi #professori #colloqui #colloquicoiprofessori #istruzione #madriefigli #mammeefigli
*Image description:
Me. I'm wearing cute colorful leggings with nothing covering my crotch because my #orchi took the mass away, and I'm sporting a bra that makes my boobs look huge, but not nearly as huge as @Impossible_PhD`s 's. In the image, I just told Zoe that she looks beautiful and that her new breasts are everything she deserves and that we all love her. I'm bending down smiling, while placing this article gently on the coffee table in front of her.
*Image description:
Me. I'm wearing cute colorful leggings with nothing covering my crotch because my #orchi took the mass away, and I'm sporting a bra that makes my boobs look huge, but not nearly as huge as Zoe's. I just told Zoe that she looks beautiful and her new breasts are everything she deserves and that we all love her. I'm bending down smiling, while placing this article gently on the coffee table in front of her.
@EmilyGB I'm trying not to buy any more clothes until my #orchi on April 14th, because I keep wearing out tight gaff underwear and stretching out the crotch of all my pants and I want things to fit better down there. Since my penis is now small enough that I have to hunt for it when I go to the bathroom, I think I'll be okay after the orchi removes all the extra baggage.
Figlio 12enne che cerca di dipingere #warhammer mix di etnie e secondo me ci riesce abbastanza 😻
#warhammer #orchi #warhammer40000 #impero #fantasy
By the end of the day I'm just SOO tired. I just feel so dragged out and tired from thinking about this all the time all day long.
It's like the Managed Dysphoria page. "Sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping."
How did I function at all. It's insane. I feel like I'm barely surviving the next 6 weeks until my #orchi.
T-minus 45 days till my #orchi
Yes, "T-minus" is a pun.
And damn if I don't wish I could donate my testicles to a Trans masc to give them a permanent T supply. WTF Science? We should be able to make that shit happen by now!
Maybe I've built up the idea of an #orchi too much in my head, but if I don't come out of that procedure looking like this, I'm going to be pretty fucking disappointed.
@rooster @HannahSometimes I just don't know I'll every pull anything like that off without #GRS. I'm hoping an #Orchi makes things at least a little better, but for now I'm all women's board shorts and a cute top.
I'm having a very frustrating time getting insurance to allow me to get electrolysis and orchiectomy. I said this to a co-worker and they said "This is why I'm glad I'm in Canada. I'd hate to deal with the US."
And, while I agree with them, I have to note that I came out less than a year ago, have been on HRT since April, have had the first electrolysis, and am *almost* going to make an #orchi appointment on Jan 4. Meanwhile, some Canadians said they've have been waiting years for HRT.
Jesus, an #orchi appointment opened up on 1/4 when I thought it would be next summer at the earliest. I was NOT ready for shit to move that fast.
Well…deadname not ready. Terra would have been ready and that's probably why it all worked out that way, but there are some things that have to be worked out that are important, so I had to back out. Scheduler said something might open up in February though. That'd be less than a year since #HRT. Wild ride.
Anyone want to tell me if I can realistically rock leggings with an #orchi?
When you get an #orchi, do they cut off all the scrotal skin? Can you get that as an up charge?
Most of the volume in this stupid meat sac is scrotum and the grossness inside it. If I had that gone, leggings would be possible because my formerly substantial penis has shrunk to nearly non-existent.
First "No Nut November" for this #trans gal! ✂️ 🥜
I have been waiting 8 months to say this 😂
#trans #teamnoballs #orchi #transgender
#GliAnellidelPotere ma vogliamo parlarne?! 😁
A me sta piacendo tantissimo e sono lì ad aspettare il Venerdì per vedermi le puntate qui:
E poi #Galadriel quanto è bella! 😍🙏🏼🍀
#mastocinema #lotr #ilsignoredeglianelli #pelopiedi #elfi #nani #Durin #Elrond #uomini #stregoni #istari #mordor #sauron #Numenor #hobbit #troll #orchi
#orchi #troll #hobbit #Numenor #sauron #MORDOR #Istari #stregoni #uomini #Elrond #Durin #nani #elfi #pelopiedi #ilsignoredeglianelli #lotr #mastocinema #galadriel #GliAnellidelPotere
Il Signore degli Anelli: Gli Anelli del Potere, primo sguardo ai mostruosi orchi dello show (FOTO) - #signore #anelli #potere #sguardo #mostruosi #orchi #show #foto #movieplayerit #22giugno
#22giugno #movieplayerit #foto #show #orchi #mostruosi #sguardo #potere #anelli #signore
Il Signore degli Anelli: Gli Anelli del Potere, gli orchi nelle prime immagini #IlSignoredegliAnelliGliAnellidelPotere #immagini #orchi #22giugno
#22giugno #orchi #immagini #IlSignoredegliAnelliGliAnellidelPotere