Playing #InSoundMind, a #horror #game of some sort, so far so good, like it so far. Except that the only time I have time to play games are when I'm dead tired, so when a puzzle comes up, no matter how easy they are, my mind just isn't working to solve it, more like I can't be bothered to. So tempted to uninstall it, and play #OrcsMustDie! 3, which is just brainless fun.
#orcsmustdie #game #horror #insoundmind
Hail #Ukraine road 🤘🇺🇦 #orcsmustdie #RussiaIsATerrorristState #netherlands
#netherlands #RussiaIsATerrorristState #orcsmustdie #Ukraine
A post about Orcs Must Die by #MidlifeGamerGeek
Video Game Review: Orcs Must Die! (PC, 2011)
>Well, that’s one game ticked off the endless digital pile of shame. The very first achievement I earned in Orcs Must Die! on the PC triggered way back in 2015. I hit a difficulty spike toward…
#midlifegamergeek #shareyourgames #orcsmustdie #blog #gaming
Dragon Age is still broken so I'm taking out my anger on wave upon wave of mindless orcs!
@PDFlynn #OrcsMustDie and #AlwaysPunchNazis Why the fuck are we treating the GOP coup like business as usual? We're ok with the end of American democracy?
#alwayspunchnazis #orcsmustdie