Bitcoin Witnesses Second-Highest Daily Ordinal Inscription Count as Inscriptions Near 30 Million - While Bitcoin-based nonfungible token (NFT) sales have declined, and the network h... - #ordinalinscriptions #duneanalytics #transactions #uniqueusers #$30million #blockchain #dailycount #recursives #magiceden #milestone #nftsales #bitcoin #decline #buyers
#buyers #decline #bitcoin #nftsales #milestone #magiceden #recursives #dailycount #blockchain #uniqueusers #transactions #duneanalytics #cryptoslam #ordinalinscriptions
Bitcoin’s Transaction Backlog Surges Past 400,000 - A fortnight ago, unconfirmed BTC transactions dipped under 300,000. However, they’... - #unconfirmedtransactions #difficultyadjustment #55trillionthreshold #bitcointransactions #ordinalinscriptions #25millionmilestone #transactionbacklog #highpriorityfee #$0.836transfer #block-space #$1.14spike #411.82eh/s #averagefee #networkfee #$2.59peak
#networkfee #averagefee #block #highpriorityfee #bitinfocharts #transactionbacklog #25millionmilestone #ordinalinscriptions #bitcointransactions #55trillionthreshold #difficultyadjustment #unconfirmedtransactions
A Tumultuous August: Peaks and Valleys in Bitcoin’s Ordinal Inscription Saga - Statistics reveal a continued trend in the number of Ordinal inscriptions, which r... - #ordinalinscriptions #non-fungibletokens #distinctaddresses #recursiveordinals #btcinscriptions #record-breaking #composability #digitalassets #marketranking #bitcoin(btc) #fluctuations #marketplaces #transactions #blockchain
#blockchain #transactions #marketplaces #fluctuations #bitcoin #marketranking #digitalassets #composability #record #btcinscriptions #recursiveordinals #distinctaddresses #non #ordinalinscriptions
Ordinal Inscriptions Approach 19 Million Amid Stagnant Fees, Bitcoin NFT Sales Drop - The number of Bitcoin Ordinal inscriptions on the blockchain is nearing 19 million... - #unconfirmedtransactions #plaintextinscriptions #uncategorizedordinals #cryptocurrencytrends #ordinalinscriptions #blockchainnetworks #nonfungibletokens #digitalcurrency #transactioncost #transactionfees #news
#news #transactionfees #transactioncost #digitalcurrency #nonfungibletokens #blockchainnetworks #ordinalinscriptions #cryptocurrencytrends #uncategorizedordinals #plaintextinscriptions #unconfirmedtransactions
New BRC69 Token Standard Promises 90% Savings for Bitcoin’s Ordinal Inscriptions - While Ordinal inscriptions continue to rise, nearing the 15 million range, a new t... - #pre-revealcollectionlaunching #imageordinalscollections #onchainfunctionalities #recursiveinscriptions #ordinalinscriptions #bitcoinnetworkfees #brc69tokenstandard #bitcoinblockchain #costoptimization #onchainreveals
#onchainreveals #costoptimization #bitcoinblockchain #brc69tokenstandard #bitcoinnetworkfees #ordinalinscriptions #recursiveinscriptions #onchainfunctionalities #imageordinalscollections #pre
Bitcoin Records Over 12 Million Ordinal Inscriptions, Miners Accumulate $46 Million as BRC20 Market Cap Declines - As of June 18, the latest figures reveal over 12.49 million Ordinal inscriptions h... - #ordinalinscriptions #bitcoinblockchain #blockchaintrends #marketvaluation #cryptocurrency #marketdownturn #digitalassets #cryptotokens #brc20market
#brc20market #cryptotokens #digitalassets #marketdownturn #cryptocurrency #marketvaluation #blockchaintrends #bitcoinblockchain #ordinalinscriptions
Another Mysterious Signed Message Appears Associated With the 2009 Bitcoin Block 1,018 - This week, the number of Ordinal inscriptions has exceeded 11 million, with one in... - #cryptocurrencycommunity #ordinalinscriptions #bitcoinprivatekey #speculation #blockchain #discussion #mysterious #privatekey #2009block #block1018 #halfinney #signature #bitcoin #message #motives #news
#news #motives #message #bitcoin #signature #halfinney #block1018 #2009block #privatekey #mysterious #discussion #blockchain #speculation #bitcoinprivatekey #ordinalinscriptions #cryptocurrencycommunity
Economist Peter Schiff Surprises Critics, Dives Into Bitcoin-Backed NFT Market - Economist and ardent gold advocate Peter Schiff caused a stir on Friday by announc... - #ordinalinscriptions #non-fungibletokens #ordinalinscription #bitcoinblockchain #ordinaltechnology #artisticendeavor #goldentriumph #goldadvocate #marketprice #perspective #peterschiff #schiffgold #economist #artsale
#artsale #economist #schiffgold #peterschiff #perspective #marketprice #goldadvocate #goldentriumph #artisticendeavor #ordinaltechnology #bitcoinblockchain #ordinalinscription #non #ordinalinscriptions
Bitcoin Blockchain Continues to See Growth in Ordinal Inscriptions and BRC20 Tokens - As of Sunday, May 21, 2023, over 8.3 million Ordinal inscriptions have found their... - #marketcapitalization #ordinalinscriptions #cryptoexchange #fungibletokens #tokeneconomy #brc20tokens #btcordinals #okxexchange #8.3million #blockchain #valuation #btcbrc20 #bitcoin #rewards #miners #tokens
#tokens #miners #rewards #bitcoin #btcbrc20 #valuation #blockchain #okxexchange #btcordinals #brc20tokens #tokeneconomy #fungibletokens #cryptoexchange #ordinalinscriptions #marketcapitalization
Litecoin Network Surges With Activity as Ordinal Inscriptions Drive Transaction Volume - Based on recent data, the Litecoin (LTC) network has seen a considerable surge in ... - #ordinalinscriptions #transactionvolume #transactionboom #cryptocurrency #networksurge #blockchain #valuerise #altcoins #activity #dogecoin #litecoin #halving #dip
#dip #halving #litecoin #dogecoin #activity #altcoins #valuerise #blockchain #networksurge #cryptocurrency #transactionboom #transactionvolume #ordinalinscriptions
Bitcoin Blockchain Surpasses 2 Million Ordinal Inscriptions Milestone in Just Over 4 Months - As of April 28, 2023, the number of Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain... - #blockchaintechnology #ordinalinscriptions #bitcoinblockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoinstamps #digitalassets #markettrends #collections #litecoin #trading #news #nfts #bug
#bug #nfts #news #trading #litecoin #collections #markettrends #digitalassets #bitcoinstamps #cryptocurrency #bitcoinblockchain #ordinalinscriptions #blockchaintechnology
Bitcoin Stamps Surpass 18,000 Collectibles, Creativity Takes Center Stage - With the latest non-fungible token (NFT) trend on the Bitcoin blockchain, known as... - #bitcoinstampscollections #digitalcollectibles #ordinalinscriptions #rarestampplatform #bitcoinstamps #blockchain #creativity #innovation #permanence #technology #otcsales #news #nft #svg
#svg #nft #news #otcsales #technology #permanence #innovation #creativity #blockchain #bitcoinstamps #rarestampplatform #ordinalinscriptions #digitalcollectibles #bitcoinstampscollections
Ordinal Inscriptions Surpass 1 Million Mark, Miners Collect $4.7M in Fees as Bitcoin NFT Trend Continues - On April 8, 2023, the number of Ordinal inscriptions surpassed the million mark as... - #digitaldistribution #ordinalinscriptions #non-fungibletoken #arbitrarycontent #digitalownership #cryptocurrency #digitalcontent #ordinalsmarket #ordinalswallet #bitcoin
#bitcoin #ordinalswallet #ordinalsmarket #digitalcontent #cryptocurrency #digitalownership #arbitrarycontent #non #ordinalinscriptions #digitaldistribution
Bitcoin’s Average and Median-Sized Network Fees Rose 40% Higher in March - In March 2023, Bitcoin’s average and median-sized fees jumped more than 40% higher... - #cryptocurrencyadoption #cryptocurrencymarket #decentralizedfinance #bitcointransactions #ordinalinscriptions #ordinalinscription #networkcongestion #cryptoinvestors #transactionfees #cryptocurrency #averagebtcfee #medianbtcfee
#medianbtcfee #averagebtcfee #cryptocurrency #transactionfees #cryptoinvestors #networkcongestion #ordinalinscription #ordinalinscriptions #bitcointransactions #decentralizedfinance #cryptocurrencymarket #cryptocurrencyadoption
A Million-Dollar Bitcoin Bet, Financial Crisis Warnings Abound, and Ordinal Inscriptions Surpass 500,000 — Week in Review - Venture capitalist Balaji Srinivasan says hyperinflation is happening now, and is ... - #ordinalinscriptions #2008economiccrisis #balajisrinivasan #davidrosenberg #crashlanding #interestrate #jeromepowell #peterschiff #nfts
#nfts #peterschiff #jeromepowell #interestrate #crashlanding #davidrosenberg #balajisrinivasan #2008economiccrisis #ordinalinscriptions
Bitcoin’s Ordinal Inscriptions Surpass 500,000 Mark as Miners Earn $2.66 Million in Added Fees - According to statistics, there are now more than 500,000 Ordinal inscriptions on t... - #ordinalinscriptions #non-fungibletokens #ordinalcollections #non-fungibletoken #marketprediction #cryptocurrency #inscribedpepes #nftcollections #punksonbitcoin #arbitrarydata #bitcoin(btc)
#bitcoin #arbitrarydata #punksonbitcoin #nftcollections #inscribedpepes #cryptocurrency #marketprediction #ordinalcollections #non #ordinalinscriptions
NFT Sales Dip by 32% in the Last Week, Ordinals Squeeze Into Top 10 Collections via Emblem Vault - After a significant spike in February, sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the ... - #digitalcollectibles #ordinalinscriptions #onlinemarketplaces #boredapeyachtclub #marketsandprices #cryptocurrencies #momoguroholoself #nftmarkettrends #decentralized #eth-basednfts
#eth #decentralized #nftmarkettrends #momoguroholoself #cryptocurrencies #marketsandprices #boredapeyachtclub #onlinemarketplaces #ordinalinscriptions #digitalcollectibles
Bitcoin’s Blockchain Growth Accelerates With Trend of Ordinal Inscriptions - The Bitcoin blockchain has 40.49 gigabytes (GB) to go until it reaches half a tera... - #ordinalinscriptions #cryptocurrency #decentralized #profitability #confirmation #ordinaltrend #networkfees #transaction #blocksizes #blockchain #gigabytes #terabytes #ordinals #satoshis #security #average #bitcoin #metrics #nft
#nft #metrics #bitcoin #average #security #satoshis #ordinals #terabytes #gigabytes #blockchain #blocksizes #transaction #networkfees #ordinaltrend #confirmation #profitability #decentralized #cryptocurrency #ordinalinscriptions
Bitcoin-Based NFTs Cross 200,000 Ordinal Inscriptions, Yuga Labs Launches Twelvefold Collection - On Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, the number of Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockc... - #softwareapplications #digitalcollectibles #generativecreations #ordinalinscriptions #hand-drawnfeatures #non-fungibletokens #boredapeyachtclub #cryptocurrency #blue-chipnfts #cartography
#cartography #blue #cryptocurrency #boredapeyachtclub #non #hand #ordinalinscriptions #generativecreations #digitalcollectibles #softwareapplications
Luxor Technologies Acquires Ordinalhub to Provide Tools for Bitcoin-Based NFTs - With Bitcoin-based digital collectibles becoming a popular trend, the full-stack b... - #digitalcollectibles #ordinalinscriptions #non-fungibletokens #luxortechnologies #cryptocurrency #monetization #acquisition #bitcoinnft #blockchain #nftbitcoin #nickhansen #ordinalhub #strategies #industry #litecoin
#litecoin #industry #strategies #ordinalhub #nickhansen #nftbitcoin #blockchain #bitcoinnft #acquisition #monetization #cryptocurrency #luxortechnologies #non #ordinalinscriptions #digitalcollectibles