Had such a great time at our college residential weekend. I helped put together & lead a reflective service which seemed to go down well! Such a blessing to be training with a great group of people.
#churchofengland #anglican #ordinand
Looking forward to the last #residential weekend of the year starting this evening. Looks@like some interesting topics on the agenda.
#ordinand #CofE #vicartraining
#residential #ordinand #cofe #vicartraining
Finished my book late last night and off to my last seminar of the term this afternoon. Time as an #ordinand is going fast!
#introduction part 2, was a #youthworker for nearly 10 years pre-having kids. Have been a #SAHM before moving into #ordinand life, and am a #history geek. #Belfast and #Sheffield are my homes from home.
#introduction #youthworker #sahm #ordinand #history #belfast #sheffield
#theology #ordinand #churchofengland #church #justice
#academia #decolonisation #politics #history #ancienthistory
#sports #cricket #tennis #baseball #rugby
#movies #novels #classicalmusic
#Introductions #classicalmusic #novels #Movies #Rugby #baseball #tennis #cricket #sports #cornwall #ancienthistory #History #Politics #decolonisation #academia #Justice #church #churchofengland #ordinand #theology