O GOD, who in the foreknowledge of thy Son's most precious death didst consecrate for him a dwelling-place by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: mercifully grant that she who was preserved from all defilement, may evermore pray for us, until we attain unto thee in purity of heart; through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, etc.
#ImmaculateConception #Catholic #Ordinariate #VirginMary #NewEve
#NEWEVE #virginmary #ordinariate #catholic #immaculateconception
O GOD, who in the foreknowledge of thy Son's most precious death didst consecrate for him a dwelling-place by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: mercifully grant that she who was preserved from all defilement, may evermore pray for us, until we attain unto thee in purity of heart; through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, etc.
#ImmaculateConception #Catholic #Ordinariate #VirginMary #NewEve
#NEWEVE #virginmary #ordinariate #catholic #immaculateconception
Hark the joyful tidings Flocknote bringeth;
Hymns of gladness now good faithful singeth.
Tune: (open to suggestions)
#happythanksgiving #Catholic #Ordinariate
#ordinariate #catholic #happythanksgiving
Eucharistic Revival in the #Ordinariate of the Chair of #StPeter whose curia is located in #Houston #Texas
#eucharist #catholic #video
#video #catholic #eucharist #texas #houston #StPeter #ordinariate
Hey, Fr Josh! Great to find you here! I'll have to listen to your homily and see how you solved the crisis of bad preaching. My pastor is a Texan, too... :ablobcatwave:
#Ordinariate #catholic
Father's #podcast
#blog #podcast #catholic #ordinariate
Do you have a 1928 translation, too for an #Ordinariate member? *sigh* Such a beautiful prayer! Thank you 🌹 :ablobcatheart:
Glory be to God on high! Catherine, you sing the song of my people! I'm a member of a community in the #Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter. It seems that I'm the only #Carmelite on Mastodon, but I hope that can change some day. In the meantime... we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, right? Peace be with you! :ablobcatreach: