Great talk and discussion with Ven Canda , Venerable Upekkhā & Ajahn Brahmali: "Debate on Women, Gender & Non-self" made available by the Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project - a pioneering project working to establish the first Theravada Bhikkhuni Monastery in the UK where women can train towards full ordination. #DhammaTalk #Dhamma #Theravada #Buddhism #Anukampa #Bhikkhuni #AjahnBrahmali #ordination #VenerableCanda
#dhammatalk #Dhamma #theravada #buddhism #anukampa #bhikkhuni #ajahnbrahmali #ordination #venerablecanda
Heute war ich auf der #Ordination einer guten Freundin und Vikarskollegin in #Steinheim. Es war eine richtig schöne Feier #waspfarrersomachen
#waspfarrersomachen #steinheim #ordination
I am currently seriously considering two courses:
◇ #Ordination training via the OneSpirit #Interfaith Foundation
◇ Bachelor of #Divinity via the University of London's distance programme.
I could do them both concurrently, or pick between them.
I already have several informal 'ordinations' that would enable me to conduct #celebrant ceremonies, although technically not in the UK*
*it's complicated, the law is under review and needs updating to accommodate non-church/state ceremonies.
#ordination #interfaith #divinity #celebrant
I'm not good at #fundraising (asking for money is hard), but I want to start collecting #SeedMoney for a #Church
#AdviceWanted on choosing a #GoFundMe-like site for #nonprofits - something welcoming to a liberal leaning, #SpiritualHumanist #ministry
I'm also looking for #ULC #ministers in the #TwinCities #Minnesota who'd like to be a part of this project (details in comments)
#UniversalLifeChurch #ordination at
#fundraising #seedmoney #church #advicewanted #gofundme #nonprofits #spiritualhumanist #ministry #ulc #ministers #twincities #minnesota #universallifechurch #ordination
Via Buddhist Insights : There are very few bhikkhunis (female monks) in Europe. Help us change that! #bhikkhunis #bhikkhuni #ordination Buddhism #Theravada #Buddhist #fundraiser
#bhikkhunis #bhikkhuni #ordination #theravada #buddhist #fundraiser
New Hajibabaei lab paper by Joe Rudar!
"Decision Tree Ensembles Utilizing Multivariate Splits Are Effective at Investigating Beta Diversity in Medically Relevant 16S Amplicon Sequencing Data"
Read about a new method for ordination & identifying ASVs that impact clustering. The ensemble method here uses different approaches to make (non-linear) splits in the data for an overall better representation of the data.
#Metabarcoding #microbiome #asv #ordination
The church offered Härter a "#blessing", to which she replied "Sagen Sie dem Presbyterium: Zu meiner Einsegnung werde ich nicht anwesend sein" ("Tell the Presbytery I won't be present at my blessing") (thanks to @eleutheros for sending me in this direction this morning)
#ordination #church
Bonus #FollowFriday suggestion - I'm excited to see the #UniversalLifeChurch is officially on Mastodon!
I'm hoping to build a congregation in #Minnesota (online & mobile ministry) in 2023!
#ULC #ReligiousLiberty #ReligiousLiteracy #Ministry #Ordination #Church #DoThatWhichIsRight
#FollowFriday #universallifechurch #minnesota #ulc #religiousliberty #religiousliteracy #ministry #ordination #church #dothatwhichisright
Not #ordained yet? Submit your #ordination request right now for free, and be ordained for life by the Universal Life Church HQ in Modesto. Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you are welcome. #ULC
#Ordination in #Jerusalem belies slow progress for #Christian women in the #MiddleEast
#ordination #jerusalem #christian #middleeast
Anyway so last year I did another thing. (That's my certificate of the rite of ordination in my mostly-non-English-speaking denomination.) #ordained #ordination #church #theology #christianity
#theology #christianity #ordained #ordination #church
Making homemade chicken soup & thinking out loud about...
• False hopes
• More cover-ups
• Unnecessary battles
• Mass exodus
#PopeFrancis #ClergyAbuse #coverup #Women #Ordination #Deacon #Deaconess #Justice #womensrights #gaychristian #gaycatholic #ExtraordinaryForm
#popefrancis #clergyabuse #CoverUp #women #ordination #deacon #deaconess #justice #womensrights #gaychristian #gaycatholic #extraordinaryform
This wonderful memory popped into my timeline this morning! #Ordination #CofE #ThoughtsFromSwallowBarn
#ordination #cofe #thoughtsfromswallowbarn
Lange überlegt, wie man "normalen Menschen" Ordination erklären soll. Habe dann beschlossen, es "Wie Konfirmation, nur für Pfarrer" zu bezeichnen und bin ziemlich stolz drauf.
#ekd #elkwue #kirche #ordination #pfarrer #waspfarrersomachen
#waspfarrersomachen #pfarrer #ordination #kirche #elkwue #ekd
We join the faithful in celebrating the 38th anniversary of Bishop Silvio José Báez’s priestly ordination. Here's a homily excerpt: "The best expression of faith in the Risen Lord is not to forget the victims and to place ourselves at the service of the crucified."
Read more quotes from the bishop:
#bishopsilviojosebaez #anniversary #ordination #priest #nicaragua #justice #solidarity #compassion #commitment #sacrifice #catholic #carmelite #homily #sermon #quotes
#quotes #sermon #homily #carmelite #catholic #sacrifice #commitment #compassion #solidarity #justice #Nicaragua #priest #ordination #anniversary #bishopsilviojosebaez
For the first time in the contemporary history of Bangladesh, six Bangladeshi Theravada women were fully ordained as bhikkhunis. #Theravada #Buddhism #Bhikkhuni #Ordination
#theravada #buddhism #bhikkhuni #ordination
Wanna be a cool #minister like me? The #UniversalLifeChurch will #ordain anyone, for free!
We believe in doing "that which is right," and that each person has the responsibility to determine what is right for themselves; as long as it is non-fraudulent & does not infringe on the rights of others. #ULC #ReligiousLiberty
This is NOT an instant #ordination at a click; an actual person reviews the applications before approval to ensure its not a joke/pet's name.
#minister #universallifechurch #ordain #ulc #religiousliberty #ordination
The Awkward Wedding | Outnumbered. My favourite clip for preparing people for #ordination as #priests…
It's a common mistake of 20something seminarians to think the whole ordination process should be about realizing and affirming their "call." I did it myself.
But the institution doesn't give a damn about calls. The institutional ordination process is about achieving the qualifications to join a professional guild.
Their interest is in protecting the guild, not in promoting your self-actualization. Proceed accordingly.
Another incredible Sutta discussion with Venerable Candā of Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project - a pioneering project working to establish the first Theravada Bhikkuni Monastery in the UK where women can train towards full ordination. Please support them if you can.
#DhammaTalk #Dhamma #UK #Theravada #Buddhism #Sutta #Anukampa #Bhikkhuni #AN5 #ordination #VenerableCanda
#dhammatalk #Dhamma #uk #theravada #buddhism #sutta #anukampa #bhikkhuni #an5 #ordination #venerablecanda