Pour qui s'intéresse à l'enseignement supérieur, voici un rapport à lire absolument sur l'application de la loi relative à l'orientation et à la réussite des étudiants (loi ORE).
Il met en lumière les limites, voire l'échec, de la loi #ORE du fait, notamment, des lacunes du pilotage à toutes les échelles.
Kotaku: Tears Of The Kingdom: Best Way To Farm For The Rare Diamonds You Need https://kotaku.com/tears-of-the-kingdom-totk-how-to-find-diamonds-sensor-1850559556 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #universeofthelegendofzelda #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #economicgeology #blooddiamond #videogames #diamond #fiction #robbie #ore
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #universeofthelegendofzelda #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #economicgeology #blooddiamond #videogames #diamond #fiction #robbie #ore
RT @AZGeology
A comprehensive graphic of the origin of ore deposits of porphyry copper systems. Courtesy of Stan Keith. #Ore #PorphyryCopper #hydrothermal #copper
#ore #porphyrycopper #hydrothermal #copper
WWUS86 KMFR 011357
Airport Weather Warning
National Weather Service Medford OR
655 AM PDT Sat Apr 1 2023
The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather
Warning for...
Klamath Falls Kingsley Field /LMT/.
The following weather hazards are expected:
Wind gusts of 35 knots between 2 PM and 6 PM PDT this afternoon.
今聴いてる → TBSラジオ 俺達には土曜日しかない #ore 2/19 00:00 ~ 綾小路 翔 #TBS https://www.tbsradio.jp/ore/
今聴いてる → TBSラジオ 俺達には土曜日しかない #ore 2/12 00:00 ~ 綾小路 翔 #TBS https://www.tbsradio.jp/ore/
今聴いてる → TBSラジオ 俺達には土曜日しかない #ore 2/05 00:00 ~ 綾小路 翔 #TBS https://www.tbsradio.jp/ore/
Mijn #mijn van deze dag.
Tom Price, #Australia
#ijzererts #mijnbouw #mining #iron #ore
#mijn #ore #iron #mining #Mijnbouw #ijzererts #australia
@kierongillen Then the related question is has anyone done a #superhumans on the #WWII battlefield #wargame...sort of crossing #Chainmail with #ORE #Godlike I guess?
#superhumans #wwii #wargame #chainmail #ore #godlike
I recently read a very interesting paper on Leakage-Abuse Attacks against Order-Preserving Encryption (OPE) schemes and Order-Revealing Encryption (ORE) Schemes.
In this paper, the researchers show how the widely used encryption schemes are inadequate. Here are some snippets from the paper.
Order-preserving encryption (#OPE) - ensures that Ek(m1)<Ek(m2) for m1<m2 and Ek the encryption algorithm. Most widely used scheme is #BCLO.
Order-revealing encryption (#ORE) - reveals ordering relations by way of a public comparison function that operates on pairs of plaintexts. Most widely used scheme is #CLWW.
Popular belief is that OPE and ORE schemes remain secure in practice for plaintext data drawn from larger domains, and practitioners could simply avoid using OPE for small-domain data.
The researchers used a non-crossing attack (min-weight non-crossing #bipartite matching) which runs in only a few hours, even for the largest target dataset, against real-world datasets using the BCLO scheme to encrypt a set of first names.
Using this attack they were able to recover almost half the data set. The leakage was even worse for last names, with almost 97% of last names trivially recoverable.
#Composition of the two (BCLO & CLWW) schemes does #decrease attack accuracy but is still far from providing acceptable security.
Exploiting known plaintexts is even easier.
Attacking frequency-hiding schemes - #Kerschbaum recently introduced a scheme that hides frequency information. However, a “#binomial” attack performs reasonably well, recovering on average 30% of first names and 7% of last names. Notably, it recovers majority of high-frequency plaintexts (despite not having frequency information leaked), suggesting these plaintexts are particularly poorly protected by any order-revealing scheme.
In terms of countermeasures, an obvious suggestion is to move towards less leaky schemes, such as those that only reveal order, including Kerschbaum's scheme and the more recent #Boneh et al. scheme based on #multilinear maps. Unfortunately in most settings there exists inherent #challenges to deployment of these schemes. Kerschbaum's scheme is relatively efficient, but requires client-side state which impedes scaling. The Boneh et al. scheme has ciphertexts larger by 10 orders of magnitude than BCLO ciphertexts and requires tens of minutes to compute encryptions.
#ope #bclo #ore #clww #bipartite #composition #decrease #kerschbaum #binomial #boneh #multilinear #challenges #encryption #quantumcomputing #quantumcryptography
In het noordwesten van #Australië wordt driftig gegraven naar #ijzererts, een belangrijke #grondstof voor al onze #hebbedingetjes.
#gadgets #rawmaterials #ore #iron #mining #australia #hebbedingetjes #grondstof #ijzererts #australie
ORE(One Roll Engine)는 10면체를 이용하여 능력치+기능 수치만큼의 주사위를 굴리는 다이스 풀 형식의 RPG 시스템입니다. 최근 PDF가 공개된 레인 2판이 ORE를 기반으로 하지요.
ORE의 특징은 판정의 넓이 (주사위를 굴려 같은 수의 주사위가 얼마나 많이 나왔는가?)와 높이 (주사위를 굴려 같은 수가 나온 주사위들은 얼마나 높은 결과를 얻었는가?)의 결과를 모두 판정에 반영한다는 점입니다.
예1: 정신 능력이 3, 예술(조각) 능력이 2인 철수가 (다이스 풀 5) 주사위를 굴렸을 때 결과가 2, 5, 5, 5, 6 이 나왔다고 본다면, 세 개의 주사위가 서로 같은 수를 이루었고 이렇게 같은 수를 이룬 주사위의 숫자는 5입니다. ORE에서는 이를 “3x5 ” (넓이 3, 높이 5)로 표현합니다.
ORE 판정에서 넓이는 “맡은 일을 얼마나 빨리 해냈는가?” 를 측정합니다. 판정을 성공하기 위해서는 최소 넓이가 2가 되어야 하며(수가 같은 주사위가 최소 2개는 나와야 합니다) 넓이가 넓을수록 더욱 빠르게 실행한 것입니다. 반면 높이는 “맡은 일을 얼마나 훌륭하게 했는가?” 를 측정합니다. 1 한 쌍보다는 10 한 쌍이 더욱 일을 훌륭하게 해낸 것입니다.
여기에서 ORE의 독특한 판정 결과가 나타납니다.
예2: 정신 능력이 3, 예술(조각) 능력이 2인 영희가 (다이스 풀 5) 주사위를 굴렸을 때 결과가 2, 4, 5, 9, 9 이 나왔다고 본다면, 영희의 결과는 2x9(넓이 2, 높이 9) 입니다. 만일 예1)의 철수와 영희가 서로 조각 대결을 벌일 경우, “누가 먼저 조각상을 만드냐?”라는 시합에서는 철수의 승입니다. 반면 “시간은 충분하게 줄 테니 누가 더 훌륭한 조각상을 만드냐?” 라는 시합에서는 영희의 승입니다. (만일 넓이가 같으면, 높이가 높은 쪽이 더 먼저 합니다.)
#7TTRPGS that have influenced me in no particular order:
#MarvelSuperHeroesRPG (#4CSystem aka #FASERIP)
#FATE (and #FUDGE )
#ReignORE (and #ORE in general)
Gosh, that was harder than I thought it was going to be. Lot's of influential stuff missing there!
#7ttrpgs #marvelsuperheroesrpg #4csystem #faserip #fate #fudge #traveller #ironsworn #reignore #ore #starswithoutnumber #genesys
#inroduction 2/-
#horrorrpg #CallofCthulhu (currently absorbing 40th anniversary) #Bureau13, #BrindlewoodBay, #Dread, #iHunt, #CastingtheRunes, #Ecoterrorists, #TheYellowKing, #DeltaGreen , #CthulhuDark, #FateofCthulhu
Conspiracy/Urban Fantasy - #OvertheEdge, #UnknownArmies, #Nobilis/ #Chuubo, #ArsMagica, #amberdiceless, #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets, #Spire
Others - #Capers, #ICONS, #MSHRPG, #ORE, #Cyberpunk2020/ #CyberpunkRED , #Deadlands, #HauntedWest
Others just ask!
#inroduction #horrorrpg #callofcthulhu #bureau13 #BrindlewoodBay #dread #ihunt #CastingTheRunes #ecoterrorists #TheYellowKing #deltagreen #CthulhuDark #FateofCthulhu #overtheedge #UnknownArmies #nobilis #chuubo #arsmagica #amberdiceless #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets #Spire #capers #icons #mshrpg #ore #cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRED #deadlands #HauntedWest
Wer Interesse an einem #mountainbike Made im Erzgebirge hat. Hier eine Empfehlung, das Ore:
#mountainbike #bike #fahrradbubble #enduro #ore
Entretien de #NewsTankEduc avec la ministre Frédérique Vidal quant à la suite de sa carrière et un échange autour des points clés de son mandat au MESR : lois #ORE, PACTE, Bioéthique, loi de programmation de la recherche (#LPR) et le plan Étudiants.
Sans oublier d'aborder le débat organismes de recherche non universitaires / universités.
Wildfire Maps Underscore Risks — and Costs — of Climate Change
The mapping was crucial for identifying which property owners might have to meet the code, which would require property owners to create a buffer between structures and the grass, trees, shrubs or wildland areas that surround them
#pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #CllimateChange #Portland #Ore. #USA
#climateemergency #pollution #ecology #environment #climatecrisis #climatecatastrophe #CllimateChange #portland #ore #usa
@webmink Yes, that sounds like something that should be rather easy to do. Some bureaucratic gotcha might come up but it should be solvable.
In the so-called #OpenResearchEurope (#ORE) tender, which the FLOSS participant lost, participation was quite difficult because one almost had to prove to have people ready to be hired from the get go for each expected salaried position. Hopefully one can write the tender better than that though.
#alternativeséconomiques #université "Université : un quinquennat sous le signe de la sélection et de la pénurie" #France #sélection #pénurie #EnseignementSupérieur #Université #Lois #ORE #réussite #étudiants #LPPR #recherche #parcoursup ... https://www.alternatives-economiques.fr/universite-un-quinquennat-signe-de-selection-de-penurie/00101753
#alternativeséconomiques #université #france #sélection #pénurie #enseignementsupérieur #lois #ore #réussite #étudiants #lppr #recherche #parcoursup
#alternativeséconomiques #université "Université : un quinquennat sous le signe de la sélection et de la pénurie" #France #sélection #pénurie #EnseignementSupérieur #Université #Lois #ORE #réussite #étudiants #LPPR #recherche #parcoursup ... https://www.alternatives-economiques.fr/universite-un-quinquennat-signe-de-selection-de-penurie/00101753
#parcoursup #recherche #lppr #étudiants #réussite #ore #lois #enseignementsupérieur #pénurie #sélection #france #université #alternativeséconomiques