Bonnett's Books · @BonnettsBooks
26 followers · 88 posts · Server

Away from a dealership or auto show, how many Smart cars have you seen in a day? I'm told there were about 30 at an area Root Beer Stand prior to my spotting of these near the shop tonight.

Yes, I would absolutely own a Smart. Their old website allowed visual customization. I spent hours once trying out pop culture themed combos. 😉👍

'Twas drizzly and the Smart ForTwos did park and gather on the street. ~ Auto-wocky


#daytonohio #oregondistrict #smartfortwo #jabberwocky #dyt #day #d8n

Last updated 2 years ago

The is so grateful to artist Leigh Ann Fulford for her stunning glass piece, “Beyond the SurFACE”. Created for the along with our book on after the mass shooting in the in 2019, Fulford’s mosaic is on display at the museum.

#peacemuseum #dayton #facingproject #gunviolence #oregondistrict #internationalpeacemuseum #ohio #mosaic #artist #downtowndayton

Last updated 2 years ago

Clemens Vasters' Pictures 📷 · @clemensv
319 followers · 639 posts · Server
DaytonDUI · @DaytonDUI
0 followers · 2 posts · Server