I can't stand them. I remember playing Gears of War (2006) and thinking "this is tedious work". Kind of stopped after that.
I tried a Tomb Raider game recently because I enjoyed those games back in the day, puzzle solving, maze running, shooting bats, running away from T-Rex in the mist.
Now you have to collect wood to light a fire to cook some berries, to make something so you can get a bow and arrows, frighten off wolves or not die of exposure. #OregonTrail.
Gorgeous day here, so went out and walked (some of) the Mississippi River.
Sorry to all the oxen I made ford this thing in my younger years 😭
#beautifuldays #ripoxen #oregontrail #mississippiriver
a few of my projects underway, with hashtags, so findable:
#Fallout #Idiocracy #HHGG #Infocom #IF #InteractiveFiction #TextAdventure #RogueLike #DwarfFortress #dystopia #utopia #PostApoc #Mutants #Parody #Satire #Educational #democracy #climate #ecosystems #propaganda #retro #SciFi #irreverent #Orwell #1984 #RPG #Paranoia #Taipan #OregonTrail
The Dread Space Pirate Richard (DSPR)
#stories #fiction #ThePrincessBride #PrincessBride #HHGG #romcom #romance #serials #SciFi #comedy
#fallout #idiocracy #hhgg #infocom #if #interactivefiction #textadventure #roguelike #dwarffortress #dystopia #utopia #postapoc #mutants #parody #satire #educational #democracy #climate #ecosystems #propaganda #retro #scifi #irreverent #orwell #rpg #paranoia #taipan #oregontrail #stories #fiction #theprincessbride #princessbride #romcom #romance #serials #comedy
Just got this amazing 50 Years of Text Games by @aaronareed, and oh boy it is gorgeous! #TextGames #OregonTrail
50 Years of Text Games parses the rich history of a foundational genre - Enlarge / Some of the maps and decision trees mapped out in the book 50... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1948253 #textadventures #theoregontrail #legendofzork #oregontrail #textgames #features #culture #gaming #zork
#zork #gaming #culture #features #textgames #oregontrail #legendofzork #theoregontrail #textadventures
Ars Technica: 50 Years of Text Games parses the rich history of a foundational genre https://arstechnica.com/?p=1948253 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #TextAdventures #TheOregonTrail #LegendofZork #OregonTrail #textgames #Features #Culture #Gaming #zork
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #textadventures #theoregontrail #legendofzork #oregontrail #textgames #features #Culture #Gaming #zork
There is a story here, of that I am sure.
#OregonTrail #Wyoming #OrganTrail #TrailMarkers
#shenanigans #trailmarkers #OrganTrail #wyoming #oregontrail
Oh no, not dysentery again 🤣
Thanks @billgoats!!
#appril2 #appleiiforever #oregontrail
#youhavediedofdysentery #oregontrail #appleiiforever #appril2
The research trail is littered with the graves of bold researchers that didn't make it through the wilderness #OregonTrail
Today, March 1, in 1848, a party of travelers departs from Independence, Missouri on their way to the Oregon Country, part of the era’s movement of colonization of the west (The Oregon Trail, 1993)
Für solch kleine Apps wie den #OregonTrail Schrittzähler für die #AppleWatch liebe ich #iOS und #watchOS tatsächlich sehr.
#watchos #ios #applewatch #oregontrail
Setting off on a new adventure! The Oregon Trail! Will we discover disentary? #twitch #goinglive #oregontrail
#twitch #goinglive #oregontrail
Well, this was a fun old game to revisit on a whim. Fairly good score considering I probably haven't touched #oregontrail 2 since, must have been the late 90s?
Ended up down a nostalgia hole, looking for people playing #oregontrail 2. This video in particular stood out because it appeared to find a bizarre bug where you basically can't lose. Critical health, dismissal from the wagon, but none of it matters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vILFZMAtU-c
The latest Short, how the game OREGON debuted in 1971!
#videogamehistory #oregontrail
RT @SMRevolinski
@Acetibular ☆ PIONEER WOMEN ☆
“Widow’s Trail” -- https://www.books2read.com/u/bwWkMv
A romantic adventure story spiced with Indians, shoot-outs, murder, and hangings — along with the dull daily routine of survival on empty American Frontier.
#oldwest #pioneer #wyoming #pioneerwoman #oregontrail
New instance, so introducing myself (again).
Free software enthusiast who writes non-free software to make money and wishes he didn't
Currently learning #Elixir #ElixirLang
Go play my re-creation of the original text-mode Oregon Trail game: https://mlibby.com/oregon/
Go cook some food from a #cookbook I've been working on since the mid-90's: https://newriversidecafe.com/cookbook/
#elixir #elixirlang #cookbook #introduction #freesoftware #oregontrail #newriversidecafe