#DidYouKnow:The #Sea #Organ is an architectural sound art object located in Zadar, #Croatia and an experimental musical instrument, which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps.
They are designed as a group of pipes that run under large marble stairs, and the sea waves create air pressure that produces random but fairly harmoniously arranged tones in the pipes.
#croatia #organ #sea #didyouknow
The Haunted Toy! – FREE VSTi Instrument – Make spooky tunes!
The instrument can be used to produce spooky, creepy and scary tunes, for halloween videos, silly horror games or low-budget horror f
#Bells #chorus #free #FreeDownload #Halloween #House #MacOS #Maize #NoLongerAvailable #organ #PublicDomain #Reaper #Rompler #sampler #Samples #StudioOne #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#bells #chorus #free #freedownload #halloween #house #macOS #maize #nolongeravailable #organ #publicdomain #reaper #rompler #sampler #samples #studioone #vsti #vsti3 #windows #x64 #x86
Stargazer by Linda Audio
Stargazer is a hybrid delay / reverb with shimmer grain generator.
The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape,
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #filter #free #FreeDownload #hybrid #LindaAudio #Mix #Modulation #music #Network #organ #other #Pitch #Presets #reverb #SFX #Stereo #Time #tool #transform #VST #VST3 #wider #Windows #x64 #x86
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #Filter #free #freedownload #hybrid #lindaaudio #mix #modulation #music #network #organ #other #pitch #presets #reverb #sfx #stereo #time #tool #transform #vst #vst3 #wider #windows #x64 #x86
Working on some Bandcamp release soon to come. Preparing tunes for mixing session. It's gonna be the first release in my #64BarLoop series. Mixed from 64 bars loops - all instruments hand played for full 64 bars except the kick drum which is a machine. Free style dub mixed as always
#DubUnderConstruction #Organ #Bubble #HandPlayed #RecordingSession
#64barloop #dubunderconstruction #organ #Bubble #handplayed #recordingsession
Église Notre-Dame-des-Champs d'Avranches,
#visualzen #abstract #france #bretagne #minimalism #francetourisme #church #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #organ #schwarzweissfotografie
#visualzen #abstract #france #bretagne #minimalism #francetourisme #church #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #organ #schwarzweissfotografie
Since #organ #trafficking was mentioned, let's remember the many times #Israel was caught doing that. Since they're the silent partner in #Ukraine, are they just acting as they normally do?
#organ #trafficking #israel #ukraine
Just stumbled all the way through the Healey Willan Passacaglia (first time making it through the whole thing)! Now I "just" have to learn the Fugue....
#organ #pipeorgan #classicalmusic
Proud to be on this #playlist too: (Mostly) Intense and Sublime #Organ Vibes https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dX6IcUwdqkFBbqAaky2MS?si=4f5PpRWVRRm1uNkzBJvr2A
#Pigs are Key for #OrganTransplants — But Why?
The reasons #scientists prefer pigs for #animaltohuman #organ #transplants
#pigs #organtransplants #scientists #animaltohuman #organ #transplants
#ClaireDelbos 1906 – 1959
Deux pièces pour orgue:
i. L'homme né de la femme vit peu de jours... (livre de Job). Très lent
II. La Vierge berce l'Enfant. Presque lent
#MarieAndréeMorissetBalier #Organ
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic #modernistmusic
#delbos #womencomposers #modernistmusic #classicalmusic #musica #musique #music #musik #marieandreemorissetbalier #organ #antondoornhein #clairedelbos
Wow Lapwood does Einaudi and brings a much-needed gravitas to the composition. #annalapwood #organ #newmusic #classicalmusic
#annalapwood #organ #newmusic #classicalmusic
I would like to know how a #dnr works for someone who wants to be an #organ #donor #organdonor .
Could some #medical people please weigh in?
Please #boost so I can get a wider feedback, thanks
#dnr #organ #donor #organdonor #medical #boost #Medibubble
This is how I imagine it should always be played!
jdloates - This gorgeous little Verbeeck 43-key street #organ plays 'La Valse D'Amélie' by Yann Tiersen. This arrangement by Jan Kees de Ruijter.
#DraaiorgelDonderdag #StreetOrganThursday
#streetorganthursday #draaiorgeldonderdag #organ
This gorgeous little Verbeeck 43-key street #organ plays 'La Valse D'Amélie' by Yann Tiersen. This arrangement by Jan Kees de Ruijter.
#DraaiorgelDonderdag #StreetOrganThursday
#streetorganthursday #draaiorgeldonderdag #organ
#DarioCastello 1602 -1631
Sonata prima à sopran solo'
#AndreaInghisciano #Cornetto
#MariaGonzalez #Organ
*Castello died during the Great Plague of 1630 which killed 1/3 of the inhabitants of Venice*
#musik #music #musique #musica #Castello #classicalmusic
#baroquemusic #classicalmusic #castello #musica #musique #music #musik #organ #mariagonzalez #cornetto #andreainghisciano #dariocastello
Dieses scheinbar nutzlose #Organ schützt vor #Krebs
Die scheinbar funktionslose #Thymusdrüse im Brustkorb spielt laut neuen Forschungen eine wichtige Rolle für die #Gesundheit des Immunsystems und den Schutz vor #Krebs.
#Gesundheit #Thymus #Bries #Immunabwehr #Sterberisiko #T-Zellen
#organ #krebs #thymusdruse #gesundheit #thymus #bries #immunabwehr #sterberisiko #t
RIP Rachel Laurin, one of the finest living composers for the #organ :(
(In French): https://www.ludwig-van.com/montreal/2023/08/13/in-memoriam-lorganiste-et-compositrice-rachel-laurin-est-decedee/
#organ #classicalmusic #womencomposers
Iliadis Voice Chorus & Tremolo Effeect Plugin by Iliadis Instruments[Windows,VST,x86]
#chorus #effect #free #FreeDownload #IliadisInstruments #organ #Rotary #Tremolo #Voice #VST #Windows #x86
#chorus #effect #free #freedownload #iliadisinstruments #organ #rotary #tremolo #voice #vst #windows #x86
Last week's report on COVID in wastewater. NY counties colored in blues are medium or low levels. Note please all five boroughs of New York City are at high levels. Please mask and face shield when appropriate.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #infection #reinfection #longCOVID #organ #damage #heart #brain #fog #wastewater #levels #high #MaskUp #face #shield #indoors #subway #NY #NYC #NewYorkCity
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #infection #reinfection #LongCovid #organ #damage #heart #brain #fog #wastewater #levels #high #MaskUp #face #shield #indoors #subway #ny #nyc #newyorkcity