Después de #opensuse el software que más me ha impresionado ha sido #organicmaps ... y lo que me queda por descubrir y disfrutar
💡 Bon, j'essaye difficilement de me convaincre d'adopter l'application #OSM #OpenSource #OSMand comme appli principale de #navigation #GPS. Je reconnais que cette application est très riche et puissante, mais :
- la #cartographie très moche, difficile à lire, et peu fluide en comparaison de #OrganicMaps
- il y a bcp trop d'options, donc cette appli a le défaut de sa qualité
- les calculs d'itinéraires souvent très lents, voire impossible dans certains cas
Qu'en pensez-vous ? 🤔
#osm #opensource #osmand #navigation #gps #cartographie #organicmaps #openstreetmap
Ieri mi son divertito a #LasPalmasDeGranCanaria ad utilizzare #StreetComplete (che adoro! ♥) ed a completare missioni semplici in strada per persone non vedenti o che utilizzano la sedia a rotelle, così da aiutarle nel poter utilizzare le mappe libere come #Osmand, #OrganicMaps ecc. ecc. incece che #googlemaps e ne sono veramente contento e orgoglioso 😁🙏🏼🍀
È un'app stupenda e facilissima da usare, impostata come un gioco per smartphone in cui mentre sei in giro la puoi usare quando vuoi 🤗
#laspalmasdegrancanaria #streetcomplete #osmand #organicmaps #googlemaps
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego godziny otwarcia istnieją w #OrganicMaps nie przechodzą na #OsmAnd. Bo niektóre lokale mają podane godziny. Ale niektóre też nie.
#openstreetmap #fedipomoc #osmand #organicmaps
#OsmAnd czy #OrganicMaps do użytku pieszo i w samochodzie?
#fedipomoc #openstreetmap #organicmaps #osmand
Organic nie ma wsparcia dla Android Auto, chociaż gdzieś czytałem, że planują to wdrożyć.
#OrganicMaps jest dla mnie kwintesencją nawigacji.
Wolę Organic od OsmAnd ze względu na dużo większą czytelność i mniejszą toporność w używaniu.
O #OsmAnd myślę raczej jako o formie przewodnika po danym terenie.
Najlepiej sprawdzić sobie oba programy i samemu ocenić.
Hey, @organicmaps, since both #OrganicMaps and #OsmAnd are based on #OpenStreetMap, do changes put into the first will be carried to the latter?
#openstreetmap #osmand #organicmaps
Czy ktoś chciałby pomóc mi mapować #Poznań w #OpenStreetMap oraz #OrganicMaps?
#organicmaps #openstreetmap #poznan
@ricketson I use #organicmaps, it's pretty good. The only problem is the index isn't great, and in the UK, searching for postcodes doesn't really work, even though I know #openstreetmap has them.... I only use google maps if someone has sent me an annoying shortened URL to something using their services :(
@mentallyalex Yes! Have been travelling with Organic Maps .
Very useful. Sometimes the search needs a little jiggering (eg if the name of destination doesn't show up, use a street address). Took a LOT of stress out of the perpetual experience of being lost in a new city.
@peeteepee @organicmaps Yes, in the UK its basically the difference of #OSM data compared to the Ordanance Survey data.
I have subscribed to the OS app in the past but with my level of use, rather than the annual £28 subscription, I tended to just subscribe for a month when needed. The OS topographical premium layer available to subscribers is more detailed than #OSM and can be worthwhile.
On IOS the #OrganicMaps app was very responsive and the battery draw was good. The UK is covered by 18 downloadable maps so its easy to have the areas need on your phone. This is no longer available with the OS free tier.
Couple of other things comparing OM to OS app free tier. The OS app tracks progress on a walking route and gives an ETA. However OM lets you track and save a route taken. Also I generally preferred how the data was presented in the OM app at different magnification levels.
Privacy with OM is also better and a safe choice compared to the multitude of other apps.
#Nextcloud (mehrere privat und beruflich)
#LibreOffice mit #Dmaths
#Xournal (++)
Und das natürlich unter #Linux bzw. googlefreiem #Android
Hoffe, ich habe nichts wesentliches vergessen 🤣
#nextcloud #nextcloudclient #davx5 #keepassxc #aegis #thunderbird #firefox #fairemail #libreoffice #dmaths #joplin #xournal #openboard #linux #android #opensource #datenachutz #dsgvo #organicmaps
Se a qualcuno interessa l'idea un pollicione in su non fa male #organicmaps #umap #openstreetmap
#organicmaps #umap #openstreetmap
@naixke @filippodb @informapirata @amministratore io ho la mia donazione ricorrente ogni mese sia per che per #organicmaps 🥰🙏🏼🍀
💡La semaine dernière, j'ai passé quelques jours en #Espagne 🇪🇸, à #Barcelone. J'y ai utilisé l'appli @organicmaps (#LogicielLibre #OpenSource #FreeSoftware) pour me déplacer à pied ou en métro. Les données cartographiques proviennent d'#OpenStreetMap et sont stockées sur le #smartphone. L'habillage graphique est de toute beauté, mais surtout léger et fluide. L'UI/UX, bien que perfectible, a le mérite de rester "simple". Je vous recommande chaudement cette appli pour #Android et #iOS. #OrganicMaps
#organicmaps #ios #android #smartphone #openstreetmap #freesoftware #opensource #logiciellibre #barcelone #espagne
@sharinggoodmoments so beautiful ! Thanks to share 🥰🙏🏼🍀
Are you using #organicmaps to create new points on the maps for all? It will be super usefull ♥
@to3k Powtórzę z wczoraj:
#Tutanota, #Adguard, #AdguardVPN, #Raivo, #DiskDecipher, #Cryptomator, #Beorg, #Mweb do #markdown, #Reeder (zasilany #miniflux), #Instapaper, #iCatcher! (do podcastów), #Calca, #WolframAlpha, #Ivory (do youtuba), #OrganicMaps, #Meteoblue, #Mynoise, #Flashcards i #Terminology, #MobiusSync, #Icab Mobile, #DailyArt, #SkyView, #nPlayer, #SomaFm, #Audioshare, #FBReader, #Tootoise i kilkanaście gier.🙂
#tutanota #adguard #adguardvpn #raivo #diskdecipher #cryptomator #beorg #mweb #markdown #reeder #miniflux #instapaper #icatcher #calca #wolframalpha #ivory #organicmaps #meteoblue #mynoise #flashcards #terminology #mobiussync #icab #dailyart #skyview #nplayer #somafm #audioshare #fbreader #tootoise
@to3k Z wymienionych używam #Bitwarden, #Signal, #mObywatel i zakupy online. Z niewymienionych:
#Tutanota, #Adguard, #AdguardVPN, #Raivo, #DiskDecipher, #Cryptomator, #Beorg, #Mweb do #markdown, #Reeder (zasilany #miniflux), #Instapaper, #iCatcher! (do podcastów), #Calca, #WolframAlpha, #Ivory (do youtuba), #OrganicMaps, #Meteoblue, #Mynoise, #Flashcards i #Terminology, #MobiusSync, #Icab Mobile, #DailyArt, #SkyView, #nPlayer, #SomaFm, #Audioshare, #FBReader, #Tootoise i kilkanaście gier.🙂
#bitwarden #signal #mobywatel #tutanota #adguard #adguardvpn #raivo #diskdecipher #cryptomator #beorg #mweb #markdown #reeder #miniflux #instapaper #icatcher #calca #wolframalpha #ivory #organicmaps #meteoblue #mynoise #flashcards #terminology #mobiussync #icab #dailyart #skyview #nplayer #somafm #audioshare #fbreader #tootoise
@Aakerbeere @maze @caos @organicmaps @digitalcourage Ich habe beide Installiert. #organicMaps für den Alltag, OsmAnd Maps für die Features. Der Zirkel ist im #Katastrophenschutz ganz hilfreich. Das man einige Mapdetails flexibel an und ausschalten kann ebenfalls. Und es hilft halt beim Mappen.
#organicmaps #katastrophenschutz