Une entrevue réjouissante de Rhoda Scott, organiste de jazz encore très active et dynamique, et que la vie a rendu sage et plaisante à écouter.
En cinq parties, avec Alex Dutilh dans Les Grands Entretiens sur FranceMusique.
1. https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/les-grands-entretiens/rhoda-scott-organiste-et-chanteuse-de-jazz-1-5-l-ete-j-allais-pieds-nus-partout-5609448
2. https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/les-grands-entretiens/rhoda-scott-organiste-et-chanteuse-de-jazz-2-5-j-etais-trop-intimidee-par-elle-7318978
3. https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/les-grands-entretiens/rhoda-scott-organiste-et-chanteuse-de-jazz-3-5-cet-orgue-respire-avec-la-personne-qui-en-joue-7570912
4. https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/les-grands-entretiens/rhoda-scott-organiste-et-chanteuse-de-jazz-4-5-4650660
5. https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/les-grands-entretiens/rhoda-scott-organiste-et-chanteuse-de-jazz-4-5-4650660
#RhodaScott #LadyAllStars #Organiste #Jazz #Organist #Orgue #Hammond
#LesGrandsEntretiens #AlexDutilh #FranceMusique #Radio #Podcast
#podcast #radio #francemusique #alexdutilh #lesgrandsentretiens #hammond #orgue #organist #jazz #organiste #ladyallstars #RhodaScott
Die @Frau_Sanders sucht für den 29.7. eine Person für die #Orgel in #Witten #Herbede
#KirchenMusik #Organist #Organistin #Kirchenmusiker #Kirchenmusikerin #Orgelmusik
#orgel #witten #herbede #kirchenmusik #organist #organistin #kirchenmusiker #kirchenmusikerin #orgelmusik
started a #wikipedia article on American #organist Viola Klaiss (1891-1978): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_Klaiss #silentfilm #WWIII #Philadelphia #WestPalmBeach
#wikipedia #organist #silentfilm #WWIII #philadelphia #westpalmbeach
And some are just crying out for Full Organ.
There's only one correct dynamic for #CwmRhondda and it is fff . Even if one is one of the cool kids with a Casio calculator watch. (-:
Hans Fährmann was a #German composer and #organist, described by the critics of his time as a Richard #Strauss of the organ litterature.
Erster Siegessatz from 1916 is much more than a simple patriotic piece to celebrate a victory (which was never to come)
The #score is available from #IMSLP: https://vmirror.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/9/96/IMSLP349386-PMLP564402-407522034.pdf
@classicalmusic #classicalmusic #organmusic #forgottencomposers
#german #organist #strauss #score #imslp #classicalmusic #organmusic #forgottencomposers
I hung a flux capacitor (aka sound bar) on the back of my organ: sounds great!!!! 🔈🔈 #organ #organist #musicians
#SoulfulSaturday #jazz #organist #blackmastodon Dr. Lonnie Smith
#soulfulsaturday #jazz #organist #blackmastodon
#SoulfulSaturday #jazz #blues #blackmastodon #organist
Jimmy Smith "Root Down"
Back at the Chicken Shack
#soulfulsaturday #jazz #blues #blackmastodon #organist
Wonderful podcast from Gas™️ with Anna Lapwood, #organist, director of music at Pembroke College, Associate Artist at the Royal Albert Hall
12 de Febrero 2023
Domingo VI del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A
Lecturas: https://www.dominicos.org/predicacion/homilia/12-2-2023/lecturas/
Música: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdP-dWTBDt9nhYulIIygH9yy7ANKXTPXP
#catolica #catholic #liturgia #liturgy #organ #organist
Quiero compartir mi historia de músico.
#Catholic #Católico
#MUSICSTORY #music #organist
#introduction #mastodonpr #catholic #catolico #musicstory #music #organist
Zeker 15 jaar was ik er niet geweest, 'De Gouden Leeuw' in IJsselmonde. Gezellig gegeten met de ploeggenoten van het werk. Eentje intern een andere baan en twee ploeggenoten gaan naar een andere ploeg. Tegelijk zijn er afgelopen week ook weer twee aspiranten gestart. Een erg gezellige avond!
Binnenkort ben ik hier weer in de buurt, want in mei mag ik in de naastgelegen 'Adriaen Janszkerk' dienst doen als organist bij het huwelijk van lieve vrienden!
#DivisieHavenmeesterRotterdam ⚓️⛴️
#organist 🎹🎼
#organist #divisiehavenmeesterrotterdam
Can you hear the birds chirping? While it’s unlikely that they nested inside the organ, this fascinating instrument can imitate some natural sounds. It can also have stops designed to inspire awe and amazement, e.g. turning stars, or wing flapping eagles.
Listen on: https://bach.club/dailybach
#music #jsbach #baroquemusic #jsb #bach #classicalmusic #dailymusic #baroque @wandsworthart @bachdotclub @bacharchivleipzig #organist #organmusic #organ
#music #jsbach #baroquemusic #jsb #bach #classicalmusic #dailymusic #baroque #organist #organmusic #organ
@stanleygrill quite a few people already suggested using hashtags and this would be my recommendation, too. The fediverse is full of #musicians and #artists and #poets and yes, I know the decentralised structure makes it seemingly harder to find people, but the more you engage, the more you will find.
Happy exploring and greeting from an #organist and #singer 🙂
#musicians #artists #poets #organist #singer
Buon Natale musicale!
Visto dall’organista!
#natale #Christmas #noel #navidad #buonnatale #music #organ #organist #me #auguri #marrychristmas
#natale #christmas #noel #navidad #buonnatale #music #Organ #organist #me #auguri #marrychristmas
How are organist galoshes not a thing? Especially on high-traffic days (like Christmas Eve) it would be great to be able to slip something on and walk around without fear of stepping in a puddle of melted saltwater.
Maybe like a slightly more elegant version of those things painters wear?
#organist #galoshes #episcopal