Appreciation for a System
"Taking a systems approach results in management viewing the organization in terms of many internal and external interrelated connections and interactions, as opposed to discrete and independent departments or processes governed by various chains of command. When all the connections and interactions are working together to accomplish a shared aim, a business can achieve tremendous results..."
#Deming #management #organization_as_a_system
Examine the System, Don't Look to Blame a Person
#management #respect_for_people #organization_as_a_system
"The difficulty is not in reducing the number of suppliers. The difficulty is that you must change the nature of your relationship with the suppliers. And that will require changing the nature of the management systems within Ford. The various factors involved are interdependent..."
#management #organization_as_a_system #suppliers #business #supply_chain
#management #organization_as_a_system #suppliers #business #supply_chain
Some try to implement lean ideas without properly setting the stage by instituting policy’s such as Virginia Mason’s no layoff policy. Lean ideas will not work, as they should, without changes to the way the organization makes decisions. Failing to understand this factor is one reason some organizations are frustrated with the results they experience when trying to apply #lean_thinking.
#lean_thinking #management #organization_as_a_system