Thanks to Adrienne Kovacs for sharing her insight on “"Enriching Communities by Applying CED Principles to Organizational Recruitment Practices,” for our August SFU CED Public Lecture.
Founder of Locum Home, Adrienne shared her wise recruiting practices that support the five principles of CED.
The recording is viewable on
#communityeconomicdevelopment #economicdevelopment #recruitmentandretention #organizationdevelopment #organizationalculture
#communityeconomicdevelopment #economicdevelopment #recruitmentandretention #organizationdevelopment #organizationalculture
Do leaders achieve more through fear or inspiration? Results or relationships? Let's explore these classic leadership debates and how the most effective leaders integrate complimentary elements situationally.
#Leadership #Management #FearVsInspiration #ResultsVsPeople #OrganizationalCulture #LeadershipStyles #Motivation #Strategy #DecisionMaking #Ethics #Adaptability #EmotionalIntelligence #LeadershipCoaching #ABeautifulMess #Compassion #Empathy
#empathy #compassion #abeautifulmess #leadershipcoaching #emotionalIntelligence #adaptability #ethics #decisionmaking #strategy #motivation #LeadershipStyles #organizationalculture #resultsvspeople #fearvsinspiration #management #leadership
Get acquainted with the #qomenius approach to learning:
It's tech, content and didactics combined - a paradigm shift in workplace learning.
#edtech #learning #workplaceculture #workplacelearning #organizationalculture #culturechange #transformation
#qomenius #edtech #learning #workplaceculture #workplacelearning #organizationalculture #culturechange #transformation
@dsalo I agree! It totally does. As it does for other GLAM orgs. But wow, I've yet to see but a few really respond thoughtfully and in a meaningful way to *any* of the opportunities over the last 5 years.
Change is threatening, and interia is a hell of a drug, eh? And no one wants to pay for data projects that go beyond the ultra superficial. So, the hand wringing and flailing continues.
#RealEvalTalk #evaluation #OrganizationalCulture #OrganizationalChange
#realevaltalk #evaluation #organizationalculture #organizationalchange
Special Series: How Generative AI Changes Everything
Check it out! 👇
#Audio #Strategy #TalentManagement #OrganizationalCulture #Creativity #PersonalProductivity #Automation #AiAndMachineLearning
#audio #strategy #talentmanagement #organizationalculture #creativity #personalproductivity #automation #aiandmachinelearning
Make It Safe for Employees to Speak Up — Especially in Risky Times
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #MotivatingPeople #LeadershipAndManagingPeople #OrganizationalCulture
#digitalarticle #motivatingpeople #leadershipandmanagingpeople #organizationalculture
Museum Human's latest Links of the Week check out the self at work—like a lot of workplace issues, it's complicated. Subscribing is free: #museum #museums #organizationalculture #workplace #self
#museum #museums #organizationalculture #workplace #self
Is innovation all it's cracked up to be if it's met by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ from colleagues? Museum Human wonders how change can scale in the face of Shrug Culture. Subscribing is free: #museums #museum #innovation #organizationalculture
#museums #museum #innovation #organizationalculture
Leadership disconnect: the importance of active engagement in organizational culture
#OrganizationalCulture #Leadership #EmployeeEngagement
Robert Allan Bear is a physician and health care consultant.
Listen here:
#organizationalculture #leadership #employeeengagement
Museum Human wonders if a new model for decision-making is the next frontier in evolving our workplaces. Subscribing is free: #museum #museums #organizationalculture #decisionmaking
#museum #museums #organizationalculture #decisionmaking
Museum Human's latest Links of the Week check out gifts we can make to our future selves—like most gifts, they're best when shared. Subscribing is free: #museum #museums #organizationalculture
#museum #museums #organizationalculture
Engaged Employees Create Better Customer Experiences
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #OrganizationalCulture #EmployeeEngagement #CustomerService #CustomerExperience
#digitalarticle #organizationalculture #employeeengagement #customerservice #customerexperience
The first quarter of 2023 is in the books—what did Museum Human do, not do, and still plans to do? This week, it's a 1Q retrospective. Subscribing is free: #museum #museums #organizationalculture #retrospective
#museum #museums #organizationalculture #retrospective
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon:
The best time to build an engineering culture is from the start, as retrofitting culture is not always so smooth, but the next-best time is now. - #organizationalculture #engineeringculture
#organizationalculture #engineeringculture
What if museums need more profound changes than just "community outreach" or "organizational change"? Museum Human's interview with Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell of Cultural Inquiry suggests a more radical diagnosis: #museums #museum #organizationalculture #change
#museums #museum #organizationalculture #change
Today's Links of the Week from Museum Human start with the org culture of the search for subatomic particles, then checks out backsliding, DEIA, resilience, and neurotech among other topics. Subscribing is free: #museums #museum #organizationalculture #CERN
#museums #museum #organizationalculture #cern
This week, Museum Human revisits what it means to be okay with being wrong in the museum field and workplace; from there, it's off to a subjective list of museum worker pain points. Lots of pain, any gain? Subscribing is free: #museums #museum #organizationalculture #painpoints
#museums #museum #organizationalculture #painpoints
Organizations are experimenting with four-day workweeks, but authentic flexibility is more than just a number. What do museum workers need to know? Check out the latest post from Museum Human. Subscribing is free: #museums #museum #fourdayworkweek #organizationalculture
#museums #museum #fourdayworkweek #organizationalculture
Today's Museum Human Links of the week are a follow-up to Tuesday's post on AI, ChatGPT, and museum work. Get your ticket for the hype train now! Subscribing is free: #museum #museums #ai #chatgpt #organizationalculture
#museum #museums #ai #chatgpt #organizationalculture
Who gets to use AI and ChatGPT, and why, is more important for museum workers than what they use it for. Check out the latest all-human-written post from Museum Human—and subscribing is free: #museums #museum #ai #chatgpt #organizationalculture
#museums #museum #ai #chatgpt #organizationalculture