Cubetti contenitori impilabili componibili in due colori super carini
#3dprinting #cube #container #organizer #productivity #stampa3D
#3dprinting #cube #container #organizer #productivity #stampa3D
Has anyone come up with a #Mastodon #bookmark #organizer #utility? I've bookmarked so many things now it would be nice to sort or tag them even if that means exporting them into somewhere else to do so.
Trying to find something in the glob of <instance>/bookmarks requires that I remember roughly when I bookmarked something. Searching on my instance gives me *some* results from posts I bookmarked but its hit or miss.
#utility #organizer #bookmark #Mastodon
Today in Labor History July 8, 1898: May Picqueray was born. She was a French anarchist, trade unionist and pacifist, who published the pacifist, anti-militarist periodical Le Réfractaire from 1974 to 1983. In 1921, in response to the silence of the French press on the convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti, she sent a parcel bomb containing a defensive grenade and leaflets to the American embassy. Her efforts helped mobilize French journalists, without harming any people and only causing damage to material. In 1922, as a delegate of the Metalworkers union, she visited Moscow, where she climbed on a table full of Red Trade Union officials to denounce their having a luxurious banquet while the common people starved. She refused to shake hands with Trotsky because of his responsibility for crushing the Kronstadt rebellion, and his betrayal of Nestor Makhno. During the Spanish Civil War, she helped transport orphans out of the country. During World War II, she help people escape French concentration camps. She also was a participant in the French uprising of May 1968, participated in anti-nuclear campaigns and supported war resisters.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #MayPicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #CivilWar #ConcentrationCamp #union #organizer #feminism #Kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #maypicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #civilwar #concentrationcamp #union #organizer #feminism #kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
Wenn alles soweit klappt, bekomm ich heute noch zwei kleine #Organizer für den #Schreitisch. Dann liegt der ganze Kleinkram nicht mehr rum und kann alles ordentlich ein sortieren. :blobcatpuffyshy:
Gerade auch für meine ganzen #Stifte, #Pinsel und die kleinen Aquarellblöcke extrem praktisch. :blobcatartist:
#pinsel #Stifte #schreitisch #organizer
The #Organizer's Superpower: Starting Where #People Are At
Okay.. today in the life of a #union #organizer: book branch meetings, book local drop-ins, sort out comms strats, help member learn how to do organising, plan Pride meetup for queer members, help negotiate a recognition agreement, work on strategy for pre-strike ballot organising, deal with equalities case for two members...
Imagine if I got paid for this 😅
Still, the members need me, so let's do this 💪
#union #organizer #unionstrong #unite #socialism
Happy #pride!
The #Louisiana Legislature is hearing two anti-#queer bills
This sucks. And this why we have Pride.
#Hug an #organizer (with consent)
#pride #louisiana #queer #hug #organizer
Fired #Starbucks #Organizer EXPOSES Illegal #UnionBusting
#starbucks #organizer #unionbusting
In a major victory for #progressives, Johnson, a #TeachersUnion #organizer, defeated #conservative Democrat Paul Vallas, a champion of charter schools who ran on a #LawAndOrder platform, despite massive amounts of #money being poured into the Vallas campaign for the Chicago mayoral election.
#progressives #teachersunion #organizer #conservative #lawandorder #money
As someone who has worked on a few #campaigns, #nonprofits, and #pacs I always find it funny when an org talks about not investing into a community after two election cycles, like honey you were barely involved for 8 months out of those 8 years lmao no ground presence and no resources for base building.
#progressive #politics #socialist #democratic #democrat #dnc #organizer
#organizer #dnc #democrat #democratic #socialist #politics #progressive #pacs #nonprofits #campaigns
Today's showcase: Organize your cables with ease using project LR2208, a round cable organizer! With a slide-in lock for easy cable insertion and removal, it's perfect for tidying up your server room, desktop, or living room.
12 sizes with inner diameters from 40mm to 160mm are available to cover a wide range of usages. Read all details and download the model files from the following Printables page:
#round #organizer #cable #showcase #3dprinting
For International Women's Day I present to you fine folks our episode on the legendary Mother Jones.
#Labor #Organizer, #socialist, all around hell raiser... she lived through famine, plague, inferno, wars, and incarceration.
Learn about, or a little more about, this amazing woman!
Hello friends,
I am looking for a #Mastodon instance that will let me post large chunks of text. comes close, but I want something freespirited, and am loathe to be beholden to anything, even #anarchy, which I love.
Any recommendations?
I am a #hacker, #stoner, #metalhead, and a would be #labor #organizer.
#mastodon #anarchy #hacker #stoner #metalhead #labor #organizer
Desk organizer (17x10x9.5cm) 😼.
More on instagram:
I provide the STL files:
#3DLynx, #3DL, #3dprinting #airbrush #organizer #mobile #pencils #USB #battery #table #fusion360 #3dmodel
#3dlynx #3dl #3dprinting #airbrush #organizer #mobile #pencils #usb #battery #table #fusion360 #3dmodel
One part of my small collection 😊 - with MS-DOS 5 and QBasic - a Highscreen Handy Organizer with german keyboard layout.
#oldcomputer #retro #vintagecomputer #highscreen #msdos #qbasic #quickbasic #c64 #mobile #pc #laptop #basic #organizer
#oldcomputer #retro #vintagecomputer #highscreen #msdos #qbasic #quickbasic #c64 #mobile #pc #laptop #basic #organizer
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
I did not buy vintage devices anymore.
But the #Organizer I had at the 5th Grade in brand new condition… #PDA
Today's #organizer #resource is called Press Officer Handbook. Prepared by the New Economy Organisers Network (NEON), this is a succinct tool for #press work and #communication for #socialmovements .
The handbook is here:
More toolkits by NEON, here:
#organizer #resource #press #communication #socialmovements
I don't really have the disposition to be an #organizer or #mobilizer. I'm good at fawning and mirroring and #empathy, so people think I am, but none of it's authentic, so it leaves me drained and lonely and exacerbates my #MentalIllness. Honestly, while there are some good, authentic organizers, most I've met are, at best, fake, and at worst, narcissistic. I maybe could be an organizer if I had the right emotional support, but I don't really think that exists
#organizer #mobilizer #empathy #mentalillness
Today in Labor History January 30, 1909: Organizer Saul Alinsky was born in Chicago, Illinois. He worked with the Industrial Areas Foundation, in Chicago, helping tenants fight their landlords. In 1972, he published "Rules for Radicals," a guide for organizers and community activists. The first rule was: “Power is not only what you have, but what your enemy thinks you have.” Another rule was "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
#workingclass #LaborHistory #housing #organizer #saulalinsky #activism #tenants #landlords #protest
#workingclass #LaborHistory #housing #organizer #saulalinsky #activism #tenants #landlords #protest
Today in Labor History January 24, 1977: Right-wing extremists assassinated five labor activists in Madrid during the Atocha massacre. It was part of the far-right reaction to Spain's transition to democracy after the death of fascist dictator Francisco Franco. While the reactionaries hoped to provoke a violent left-wing response that would legitimize a right-wing counter coup d'état, the massacre actually increased popular revulsion of the far-right and accelerating the legalization of the long-banned Communist Party.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #spain #massacre #fascism #franco #communism #dictator #labor #organizer
#workingclass #LaborHistory #spain #massacre #fascism #franco #communism #dictator #labor #organizer