Verbundprojekt der #TUBraunschweig, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover und Medizinische Hochschule Hannover erforscht Testsysteme zum Ersatz von Tierversuchen. Dafür wird das Projekt nun mit 3,6 Mio. Euro aus dem Programm „Spitzenforschung für #Niedersachsen“gefördert.
#EngineeringForHealth #OrganOnAChip
#tubraunschweig #niedersachsen #engineeringforhealth #organonachip
InVADE platform
96-well scale-up AngioTube bioscaffolds
Endothelialized microchannel->
Inter-Organoid crosstalk; Metastasis
Open-well design-> easy intervention
Nice reading😋 on how to fabricate #OrganOnAChip
Dr. Milica Radisic lab Nature Protocols 2021
In our ‘Transitions in development’ series, Reviews Editor Alex Eve @amjeve met with Samira Musah to discuss her research, her pathway to independence and her love of yoga.
Image courtesy of Seth Kroll (Wyss Institute at Harvard, Boston, MA, USA)
#DevBio #ECR #kidney #organonachip
Human Tissue Modeling Event, celebrating 10 year anniversary of @MIMETAS_3D, 9/2 online #organonachip #iPSC #organoids
#organonachip #ipsc #organoids
I think we can all agree to live with water-spotted glassware?
Gut epithelial barrier damage caused by dishwasher detergents and rinse aids - Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
#toxicology #immunology #immunotoxicology #surfactants #organonachip #autoimmune
#toxicology #immunology #immunotoxicology #surfactants #organonachip #autoimmune