UK ‘was urged to investigate’ Nigerian politician before organ trafficking plot
"A senior Nigerian politician has been sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison in the UK for being the “driving force” in a plot to harvest a kidney for his sick daughter from a young man he had trafficked to London."
First organ trafficking conviction in the UK. Coerced a street trader and brought him to London to harvest his kidney.
#organtrafficking #obeta #ekweremadu
This is the distraction game used by #politicians and in this case #dictators to lead away the attention of the people to other things.
In this case its #dictator #Xi #Xijinping of the #CCP #dictatorship #China planning to go to #war with #Taiwan to lead away the attention of the #COVID #tsunami and economic unrest in the country.
#PLA #Taiwan #HongKong #Tiananmen #Tibet #India #FalunGong #Uighurs #organtrafficking #SiTong #Foxconn #Apple #celebrities #Lanlan #Kang
#politicians #dictators #dictator #xi #xijinping #ccp #dictatorship #china #war #Taiwan #covid #tsunami #pla #hongkong #tiananmen #Tibet #India #falungong #uighurs #organtrafficking #sitong #foxconn #apple #celebrities #lanlan #kang
You can buy and sell a kidney on craiglist in US.
"The #organTrafficking trade involves a host of offenders. As the UN Gift noted, there is a recruiter who seeks out the ‘donor,’ there is a transporter of the organs, there are staff of the hospital or clinic that receives the organs, and of course the medical practitioners who perform the transplants. There are also middlemen, contractors, buyers and the banks that store the organs/tissues."
You can buy and sell a kidney on craiglist in US.
"The #organTrafficking trade involves a host of offenders. As the UN Gift noted, there is a recruiter who seeks out the ‘donor,’ there is a transporter of the organs, there are staff of the hospital or clinic that receives the organs, and of course the medical practitioners who perform the transplants. There are also middlemen, contractors, buyers and the banks that store the organs/tissues."