#Pigs are Key for #OrganTransplants — But Why?
The reasons #scientists prefer pigs for #animaltohuman #organ #transplants
#pigs #organtransplants #scientists #animaltohuman #organ #transplants
"Wednesday’s breakthrough began with the transfer of a #PigKidney into the body of Maurice “Mo” Miller, a man who had died suddenly at the age of 57 and whose body was donated to science by his family... The pig kidney had been genetically modified to omit a gene that produces biomolecules that human #ImmuneSystems attack and reject." #OrganTransplants
Scientists celebrate as pig kidney continues to function in human body | #Medicine | Al Jazeera
#medicine #organtransplants #immunesystems #pigkidney
Global News BC: Lack of B.C. transplant surgeons means donated kidneys are sent elsewhere, say doctors https://globalnews.ca/news/9803725/bc-kidneys-sent-elsewhere-surgeon-shortage/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ProvincialHealthServicesAuthority #organsbeingsentoutsideofBC #kidneytransplantwaitlist #VancouverGeneralHospital #BCMinistryofHealth #transplantwaitlist #kidneytransplants #organtransplants #OrganDonation #BChealthcare #BCTransplant #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ProvincialHealthServicesAuthority #organsbeingsentoutsideofbc #kidneytransplantwaitlist #VancouverGeneralHospital #BCMinistryofHealth #transplantwaitlist #kidneytransplants #organtransplants #organdonation #BChealthcare #bctransplant #health
Discover the Future of Transplants with 3D Bioprinting Organs! 🧪🏥 Explore the revolutionary technology that could transform organ transplantation as we know it.
#HealthcareInnovation #OrganTransplants #Bioprinting #technology #computerscience
#healthcareinnovation #organtransplants #bioprinting #technology #computerscience
First published @DiscoverMag, 1988, this story of a day in the life of the person who has to ask families for permission for organs after an abrupt death grew out of my 1982 master's thesis on the future of #organtransplants at @columbiajourn. 2/
New liver transplant rules yield winners, losers as wasted organs reach record high After more than three years on the transplant list, Gray had gotten so weak he had to take a break while walking the eight feet from his recliner to the kitchen. So he and his wife found a living donor through Facebook, bypassing the traditional transplant system altogether.
Global News BC: B.C. man dies from freak snowmobile accident, donated organs help 13 people https://globalnews.ca/news/9554173/b-c-death-snowmobile-accident-organ-donation/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SnowmobileAccident #organtransplants #snowmobilesafety #BCorgandonation #SnowmobileDeath #OrganDonation #TrevorPierce #WilliamsLake #BCInterior #Kamloops #Cariboo #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #snowmobileaccident #organtransplants #snowmobilesafety #bcorgandonation #snowmobiledeath #organdonation #trevorpierce #WilliamsLake #BCInterior #kamloops #cariboo #Canada
https://theintercept.com/2023/02/19/organ-donor-ethics-prison-massachusetts/ #prisonsandprisoners No, Trading Flesh for Prison Time Is Not “Bodily Autonomy”
A Massachusetts bill — sponsored by Democrats — proposes allowing incarcerated people to donate organs in exchange for shortened sentences
#OrganTransplants #Health #PrisonerExploitation #PrisonReformNow #HumanRights
#prisonsandprisoners #organtransplants #health #prisonerexploitation #prisonreformnow #humanrights
A proposed law in Massachusetts would coerce prisoners to donate organs for transplant. Please, if you live in Mass., write to your legislators and tell them to oppose it.
Some details, and a model letter to the legislature: https://redbird.dreamwidth.org/3040619.html
#prisons #massachusetts #MedicalAbuse #organtransplants
#OrganHarvesting -- #Canada performing more #organtransplants from #MAID donors than any country in the world: https://t.co/7sKCMqFDWP
#maid #organtransplants #canada #organharvesting
Canada performing more organ transplants from MAID donors than any country in the world https://bit.ly/3iP2vb0 #MAID #BeADonor #OrganDonation #OrganTransplants #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#maid #beadonor #organdonation #organtransplants #cdnpoli
First you tink yjis is about #COVID pandemic and the failed zero Covid policy of the CCP.
And than the #video changes to reveal horrible truths.
In the #dictatorship #China organ #harvesting from #teens who go "missing" as we reported before, is called organ function regeneration for senior #officials for the #CCP in #Beijing
Normal #Chinese people are living in a #nightmare in that country.
#Dictator #Xi #Xijinping is a monster like #Putin is in #Russia
#covid #video #dictatorship #china #harvesting #teens #officials #ccp #beijing #chinese #nightmare #dictator #xi #xijinping #putin #russia #hospitals #doctors #organtransplants
Our new study: Newspaper Coverage of #COVID19 #Vaccination Requirement for #OrganTransplants https://ja.ma/3VvVkBV via JAMA
"Results demonstrated a false balance" in media representations.
Opposition to vaccination often based on misinformation.
#VaccinesWork #Transplantation #OrganDonation #Misinformation #PublicHealth #scicomm #media
#media #scicomm #publichealth #misinformation #organdonation #Transplantation #vaccineswork #organtransplants #vaccination #COVID19
Making pig livers humanlike in quest to ease organ shortage https://apnews.com/article/science-health-biology-organ-transplants-minneapolis-1522fa40ec69e565d8c1c90e7c85deda #U.S.FoodandDrugAdministration #Organtransplants #Minneapolis #NewYorkCity #APTopNews #Business #U.S.News #Science #Biology #Health
#health #biology #science #business #aptopnews #newyorkcity #minneapolis #organtransplants #u
The extraordinary writing of Adina Talve-Goodman excerpted from her posthumous collection of essays, "Your Hearts, Your Scars" to be published by Bellevue Literary Press in January 2023.
#thanksgiving #organtransplants #gratitude #grieving
Looking for more Clinically Vulnerable people / households on Mastodon.
Please add more # s to help us! 🙏 & ♻️
#Downs #DownsSyndrome
#Leukaemia #Lymphoma
#SickleCell #SickleCellDisease
#ChronicKidneyDisease #CKD
#OrganTransplants #KidneyTransplant #HeartTransplant #LungTransplant #LiverTransplant #PancreasTransplant
#Autoimmune #Inflammatory
#Rheumatoid #Arthritis
#InflammatoryBowelDisease #IBD
#aids #hiv #ibd #inflammatoryboweldisease #arthritis #rheumatoid #inflammatory #autoimmune #bonemarrowtransplant #pancreastransplant #LiverTransplant #lungtransplant #hearttransplant #kidneytransplant #organtransplants #liverdisease #CKD #ChronicKidneyDisease #Sicklecelldisease #SickleCell #lymphoma #leukaemia #DownsSyndrome #downs
#JCCF slams #justice who ruled that doctors can require #COVIDvaccines for #organtransplants
#organtransplants #covidvaccines #justice #JCCF
#JCCF slams #justice who ruled that doctors can require #COVIDvaccines for #organtransplants
#organtransplants #covidvaccines #justice #JCCF
#JCCF slams #justice who ruled that doctors can require #COVIDvaccines for #organtransplants
#organtransplants #covidvaccines #justice #JCCF
Court in #Canada ruled it is #legal for doctors to deny #organtransplants to the #unvaxxed
#unvaxxed #organtransplants #legal #canada