I've been giving some needed TLC to my workshop space and improving organization was a priority, here are some pics. #workshop #organzing #tools #workinprogress
#workshop #organzing #tools #workinprogress
Getting Things Done (Morning Coffee: January 30th, 2023) https://nashp.com/013022
This week’s topics include collapsing groups in @sofa and teaching my wife GTD with Analog cards.
#sofa #tv #movies #games #ugmonk #analog #projects #gtd #wife #productivity #nextactions #gettingthingsdone #organzing #todolists #today #next #someday
#sofa #tv #movies #games #ugmonk #analog #projects #gtd #wife #productivity #nextactions #gettingthingsdone #organzing #todolists #today #next #someday
This week, on Morning Coffee https://nashp.com/012323
After reflecting on my writing the last few days, and after trying a few different ways to capture and organize my words, I realize that my brain works best with Ulysses. Spending more time tidying up Ulysses, instead of trying to replace it, is the solution for all of my problems. It already does everything I need, and at a very high level. The perfect combination of simplicity and power.
#notetaking #writing #ulysses #organzing #newsletter