More to lose, less to say!
New study (N = 896) suggests that white-collar workers may remain silent in the face of abusive supervision practices because they’re more concerned about losing their status and privileges relative to blue-collar workers.
#orgbehavior #socialscience #socialpsychology #psychology
Quiet Quitting:
New study develops a scale to measure quiet quitting.
"I do only the work I’m specifically asked to do; just enough to not lose my job.
#GreatResignation #QuietQuitting #orgbehavior #socialscience #socialpsychology
Question for org behavior / business / sociology folks:
What is good writing on the phenomenon of how org additions (new hires, new units, new programs) create internal stakeholders and affect top level decisions moving forward as a result?
Evidence for an interesting new distinction between pay justice and pay satisfaction:
“For example, pay from a part-time job may be just because the input-output ratio is balanced, but pay satisfaction may nevertheless be low because the job does not allow lifestyle desires (e.g., a nicer car, more expensive vacations) to be achieved.”
#orgbehavior #sociology #socialscience #socialpsychology
The dangers of loyalty in the workplace:
New research finds that, “instead of protecting or rewarding them, loyal employees are selectively and ironically targeted by managers for exploitative practices.”
Two quotes follow: 🧵👉
#ethics #workplacerelations #exploitation #loyalty #orgbehavior #socialscience #socialpsychology #psychology #science
Alienated academics:
A qualitative interview study finds that a merger between two Finnish universities produced different types of alienation among staff.
Poutanen (2022) - Open access:
Four (depressing) quotes follow 🧵👉
#academicchatter #educationpolicy #highered #HigherEducation #orgbehavior
SES, Inclusion, and Mental Health:
Really interesting new survey of UK Higher Education staff finds that staff from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds feel relatively less valued and included by policymakers (e.g., government), and this has a negative effect on their mental health and well-being.
#mentalhealth #HigherEducation #socialclass #ses #orgpsych #orgbehavior #sociology #socialpsychology #science
Overwork Pays Off More for Men:
New research finds an “overwork premium” - Evaluators allocate greater organizational rewards to people who work 50+ hrs per week ("overworkers"), *even when they do the same amount and quality of work as standard workers.*
In addition, male overworkers reap a significantly larger overwork premium than female overworkers.
#overwork #orgbehavior #orgpsych #socialpsychology #sociology #psychology
Are you important for the transfer of information across Mastodon?
Recent study finds you’re important if you represent a “structurally strategic node holding connections between across-instance regions of the network…[because you] positively impact…the effectiveness of information flow between the users over all Mastodon.”
Cava et al. (2022):
#SocialNetwork #socialmedia #orgbehavior #socialscience #socialpsych #socialpsychology #psychology
Well, I am seeing a trickling of people I used to follow over on Twitter on here. I imagine it will take some getting used to. I hope people will continue sharing all their cool stuff here! My favorite part of Twitter was seeing all the great things everyone was working on. #orgbehavior #hr
RT from Twitter @leesplez
Are you on #Mastadon and trying to find folks in social psychology and/or org behavior? Well I made two *groups* that you can follow to keep up to date with #socialpsych and #orgbehavior folks!
#orgbehavior #socialpsych #mastadon
🚨 *Please RT* 🚨
Are you on #Mastadon and trying to find folks in social psychology and/or org behavior? Well I made two *groups* that you can follow to keep up to date with #socialpsych and #orgbehavior folks!
#Mastadon #socialpsych #orgbehavior