LibreOffice-Serie: Organigramm erstellen
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#LibreOffice #LibreOffice_Draw #Draw #OrgChart #Organigramm #Linux
#libreoffice #libreoffice_draw #draw #orgchart #organigramm #linux
@fedora Org Chart: Now updated! #OrgChart
everyone has days like this, right?
#art #drawing #michiganartist #orgchart
Hey, do we have an updated #orgchart? The one in our wiki is like 3 yrs out of date.
*It will be in our new #Intranet site*.
Is our new Intranet site available?
*No, but it will be soon.*
You've been saying that for the last nineteen months. Can I just have a copy?
*No because its not a PowerPoint we did it in the new Google Site.*
Can you share the new Google Site - or just the "org chart" page?
*No, its not ready to go live yet.*