Check out my interview on Scrum Master Toolbox from 2018. So much of the conversation I had with Vasco then is still relavant.
Check out my interview on Scrum Master Toolbox from 2018. So much of the conversation I had with Vasco then is still relavant.
@jchyip That’s a situation that @tricia & I write about in #LeadWithoutBlame book. It’s partly individual inclination and mostly “system driving behavior” pressure. #orgculture
Shared categories of thought are critical to a culture that ‘works’. By ‘works’ I mean a culture that is like a well oiled machine of meaning making, sense making, and ritual. This doesn’t mean outsiders wouldn’t look at it and say ‘WTF?’ That’s highly likely.
#orgculture #culture #ritual #orgdesign
“Retaliation is very poorly understood in orgs. We think of it as being overt and obvious (& that definitely happens!) but even more frequent is social retaliation, in which the target is cut out of internal networks, & comes to be seen as “not a fit”. Harder to put a finger on.” Jane Watson
#orgculture #bullying #exclusion
I’m not sold on familial terms in workplaces, but it’s important to remember that their meaning, and importance, differ across cultures.
Adidas' Chief sales officer Auschel rebuked in final comments on diversity, yet was paid a significant bonus. Seems to be a trend among the company execs. Culture change is inevitable. @financialtimes
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