Looking around a little bit to see if I can find a replacement for shared shopping lists in Google Keep.
Anyone in the #Emacs #orgmode community ever try to share org files over WebDAV between #Orgzly and #Beorg? I'm already serving SVN-revisioned org files via WebDAV with Orgzly, which works pretty well for me, but I have family members on iOS.
#emacs #orgmode #orgzly #beorg
@BryanBennett On mobile, I'm using #orgzly, yes. Although it's mainly to read (I have a few searches defined, for daytime, evening and "pure leisure" which helps me keep my mind focused on the right things), I also use it to add new TODO items and cross some off with the orgzly widget.
@photex there was SVK, back in the day. I recently looked it up again (after I set up an #SVN repo exposed as a WebDAV share over Apache for personal #orgzly use), and it seems to have vanished from the Web sometime between 2020 and 2008.
But the basic idea, IIRC, was that you would clone an SVN repo locally, interact with it using the usual svn commands, and then push/pull between your local repo and upstream via svk-specific commands.
I don't suppose git-svn would work for you?
Before I burn a lot of good time on it, has anyone intergrated any kind of a workflow with Logseq and Orgzly?
Theoretically Logseq can be set to use org formatting and Orgzly worked really nicely with emacs org mode when I was into it years back.
Help a lazy productivity geek out.
In Firefox on Android, you can select some text and click the 3 dots (what is the proper term for that, 3 lines was hamburger) to find an option to "Create Note". Where is it that I can change what app is used to create that note? Currently somehow it's OneNote but I want it to be Orgzly.
#firefox #android #orgmode #orgzly
Switching back from #obsidian and #logseq to #emacs and #orgmode (+#orgroam) feels like a step from someone else's home into a thriving forest: such a rich eco-system! Found #systemcrafters an invaluable resource to get quickly from vanilla emacs to something which exceeds or is on par with the alternatives in all aspects that matter: configurability, extendability, control, speed, resources, android support via #orgzly, themes, #foss, local first, future proof,....
#obsidian #logseq #emacs #orgmode #orgroam #systemcrafters #orgzly #foss
Switched my #logseq vault (painfully) from #markdown to #orgmode in order to integrate it with #orgzly on #android. So far so good: Only change to the workflow for now is that new tasks created on mobile go into a dedicated file (Inbox) instead of in the current journal page. Anybody out there using the same combo? Any caveats, tips or tricks?
#logseq #markdown #orgmode #orgzly #android
Ah, je découvre #orgzly dans ton pouet. Jusqu'à présent j'utilise #markor (qui fait du #markdown et peut inclure des contenus multimédias) et je synchronise (enfin j'essaie !) avec l'app #nextcloud. Mais il m'annonce sans cesse qu'il y aurait des conflits de versions pour des fichiers pourtant accédés depuis 1 seul appareil, je suppose que c'est android qui modifie des stamps un peu sauvagement et met nextcloud en rogne. 🤯
Est-ce qu'Orgzly fait tout ça bien ?
#orgzly #markor #markdown #nextcloud
@nickanderson @nthcdr Having #orgzly capture templates would be awesome.
I capture to my daily file by manually creating the date headings. It is definitely a pain, but tolerable for the benefits of having the same #orgmode files everywhere
@nthcdr #orgzly has an agenda widget for Android, org files synced with #syncthing
#orgzly #syncthing #orgmode #emacs
@eaterofsnacks I don't like pathologising executive function metrics. For people who get into it I and people I know have vibrated well to #emacs #orgmode ; and I've heard there's a phone app #orgzly for people who like that sort of thing.
My two cents. I'm not a teenager sorry!
Advanced #orgzly stuff from @trurl
Yep, #Orgzly's #WebDAV sync works decently well with the Subversion/Apache WebDAV interface. Set it up this afternoon.
Updates to notebooks in Orgzly automagically show up as new commits in SVN. Sync should now be a snap, and stale notes can be deleted without losing history.
The most challenging part was figuring out the self-signed cert for HTTPS. Orgzly lets you pin a self-signed cert, but its subjectAltName field has to match the server's fully qualified domain (and not just the CN).
Also, any clues on what auth #Orgzly #WebDAV access uses? Guessing it's HTTP Basic (https://github.com/orgzly/orgzly-android/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/WebdavRepo.kt).
HTTPS client cert support would be ideal, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that.
Although... if OkHttp has HTTPS client cert support, patching Orgzly would be a good weekend project. If OkHttp needs patching, it'd be a bit more work.
But it's not like I have any spare time these days, so HTTP Basic+self-signed server-side HTTPS cert oughta do it.
#Orgzly supports #WebDAV for file sync. I'd prefer to self-host, and it would be great to revision my notes.
Long ago, I played with self-hosted #Subversion repositories over WebDAV via #Apache (https://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.webdav.html). I presume this is still possible.
Anyone ever tried auto-revisioning Orgzly notes like this?
#orgzly #webdav #subversion #apache
@publicvoit @akib Respectfully disagree. I use #Emacs under #Termux on Android some, and with an advanced onscreen keyboard (Hacker's Keyboard or Unexpected Keyboard), it's fine. In fact, Termux also has a key bar for the most used keys not on standard Android keyboards.
Now, for quick capture and so on, I am still much more likely to use #Orgzly for a number of reasons, but those are not so much related to the keyboard as to other Android issues.
I *do* think, though, that the only touchscreen support Android Emacs would need is translation of touchscreen taps and drags into appropriate existing mouse events.
Also set up #syncthing and #orgzly. Just wish Orgzly would sync at least occasionally without having to manually request it…
@ryn I'm yet another #syncthing and #orgzly user -- it's a killer combo to keep notes sync'd and accessible on android