This is not for everyone I guess. I had a go at the Oric Atmos (which I did not know much about prior to making this video). I have a look at some demos, I try to do some pixeling and even touch on a game. Not my usual onetake-video made in a few hours on a friday, but here it is:
Si de jóven leíste y disfrutaste de las aventuras de Los 3 investigadores, ahora tienes la oportunidad de reencontrarte y reencarnarte en los personajes que hicieron volar tu imaginación y sacaron tu vena detectivesca en una nueva historia en la que tú serás el protagonista.
El equipo de Commodore Plus te trae Los 3 investigadores en el misterio de la falsa herencia; una nueva aventura conversacional para #Commodore64 y #Oric en la que tomas el papel de Jupiter Jones, Peter Crenshaw y Bob Andrews, tres jovenes detectives afincados en Rocky Beach y que fueron apadrinados por el aclamado director Alfred Hitchcock. La historia consta de cuatro capítulos y en cada uno de ellos, tomaréis el rol de uno de los investigadores y acompañarás a tus compañeros para ayudarlos a resolver el misterio que se irá descubriendo a lo largo del relato.
Como en los libros, es importante para la aventura interactuar con tus compañeros para contrastar opiniones y decidir cual será el próximo paso.
No dejes de examinar a nada ni a nadie.
Hazte un mapa. No es vital pero puede ayudar a situarte en el juego.
Puedes descargarla desde 👍 🕹️ 😋 #retrogaming #videogames #videojuegos #retrogames #retrojuegos #8bits #retrocomputing #videoaventura
#commodore64 #oric #retrogaming #videogames #videojuegos #retrogames #retrojuegos #8bits #retrocomputing #videoaventura
@vingtroiseize I love the Galápagos syndrome of #1980s #UK home computing. #Amstrad, #Sinclair (we don’t talk about #TimexSinclair 😉), #DragonData, #Oric, #BBCmicro and #Acorn… as an American kid I never heard of any of these until I got Internet access when I went to college in the 1990s
#1980s #uk #amstrad #sinclair #timexsinclair #dragondata #oric #bbcmicro #acorn #retrocomputing #retrogaming
I've made a video for Awesome Retro Indie Game from May. You lovely Masto peeps are getting a sneak peek as I'm not publishing until Friday.
There's a whole bunch of systems including #spectrum #c64 #amiga #gameboy #pico8 #sega #msx #atari #oric
Hope you find something you find interesting in there!
#Spectrum #c64 #amiga #gameboy #pico8 #sega #MSX #atari #oric #retrogaming #retrocomputing
If you have recently made a game for an obsolete machine* I’d love for you to let me know! Going forward I’m planning to make monthly videos of new games for old machines.
RAM OK ROM OK’s Retro Indie Game Round Up. Or RORORIGRU for short!
#retrogaming #GameDev #atari #c64 #ZXSpectrum #vectrex #Sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #msx #oric #Amiga #Amstrad #appleII #intellivision #ChannelF
(*also planning to cover stuff for retro-adjacent systems such as Pico-8, Playdate, SpectrumNext too)
#retrogaming #gamedev #atari #c64 #zxspectrum #vectrex #sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #MSX #oric #amiga #amstrad #appleii #intellivision #channelf
MOS Technology 6502 and nothing else!
#MOS6502 #MOSTechnology6502 #CPU #8bit #retrocomputer #80s #90s #Geek #NopIsNotAJoke #Oric #Oric1 #OricAtmos #Stratos #Telestrat #Tangerine
#mos6502 #mostechnology6502 #cpu #8bit #retrocomputer #80s #90s #geek #nopisnotajoke #oric #oric1 #oricatmos #stratos #telestrat #tangerine
WTF?! #Oric, there are NOT 6 seven of clubs in a deck 🤦♀️
#oric #oricatmos #cribbage #fubar #retrocomputing #retrogaming
RT @DefenceForceOrg
For the ones wondering #encounter on the #oric has not been abandoned.
After a fair amount of hesitation and back and forth, I finally gave up on the BASIC version and fully started to convert it to C and assembler, which will allow for fancy effects and sounds.⤵️
40 years ago a new software company started advertising in UK computer magazines.
Despite their name, Spectrum Games released games for the #ZX81 and #Vic20 as well as the #ZXSpectrum. They also promised that games for the #Oric and #Dragon32 would be coming soon.
The name of the company caused confusion in the marketplace, so they quickly rebranded as Ocean Software.
They would later become one of the largest European video game companies.
#zx81 #vic20 #zxspectrum #oric #dragon32
The Snake Temple v2023.02.04 (Oric Atmos) (Game)
#Atmos #Game #Oric #RAX #TheSnakeTemple
The Snake Temple by RAX is a game made for Oric Atmos.
You are a young hero named Bocco, who has set out in search of treasure in the Temple of the Snakes. Among the labyrinth of tunnels is a treasure chest that you must find. The temple is full of snakes, so be careful!. ...
#thesnaketemple #Rax #oric #game #atmos
It's arrived! The Royal Mail really made a hames of getting it across the Irish Sea, but I was very happy with 8bit-Tronics themselves.
1980s in a glass case. New addition to the historic computing collection at work, including my old Oric-1 I got when all the cool kids were playing with their speccies. Who's laughing now, eh? Oh ok.
#1980s #computing #history #spectrum #zx81 #oric #amiga #games #consoles #cassettes
#1980s #computing #history #spectrum #zx81 #oric #amiga #games #consoles #cassettes
I finally broke down and bought an #Erebus for my #Oric. Given it's been sitting around since I got it, it'll be nice to get some use out of it. Next up: an RGB to HDMI adaptor of some kind. #retrocomputing
@ChristosArgyrop Yah, #Amstrad was very much a European thing from the UK, along with #Sinclair, #Dragon, #Oric, and #Acorn. (Sinclair licensed the #ZX81 and #ZXSpectrum to Timex for a couple US-based models.)
It’s funny how everybody grows up thinking that their experience is the One True Scene for any pop culture or subculture, whether it’s music or TV or computing or whatever.
#amstrad #sinclair #dragon #oric #acorn #zx81 #zxspectrum #retrocomputing
I really don't need an #ORIC, right? Tell me I don't need an ORIC. Or, better yet, send me an ORIC!
#VintageComputing / #RetroComputing
#oric #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing
A computer I wanted when I was growing up because it had a sound chip & my ZX Spectrum did not.
Remembering the Oric-1
#homecomputer #1980s #technology #oldtech #vintagecomputer #oric #oric1 #zxspectrum #rival #nostalgia #olddays #childhood #memories
#homecomputer #1980s #technology #oldtech #vintagecomputer #oric #oric1 #zxspectrum #rival #nostalgia #olddays #childhood #memories
Buen juego de palabras... 😀
Visto en la revista Popular Computing Weekly, semana del 13 de enero de 1983.
I'm gonna throw this out there because, if not Mastodon... then where?
Anyone still obsessed with any of the following:
#BBCMicro #Apple1 #Apple2 #Oric #AcornComputers #CommodorePet #6502 #6502 #65C02 #MosTechnology #6502Assembler
#6502assembler #mostechnology #65c02 #commodorepet #AcornComputers #oric #apple2 #apple1 #bbcmicro