Torreoscura es una aventura conversacional presentada por Commodore Plus desarrollada en la actualidad. El protagonista, una persona de mediana edad y desbordada de trabajo, necesita urgentemente un descanso. Impulsivo y sin pensarse demasiado las cosas, recibe por correo un billete de avión junto a una carta de un antiguo amigo suyo y compañero de clase de la infancia donde le invita a pasar unos días a Torreoscura, un pueblo lejano y desconocido. Al llegar a su destino nadie viene a recibirlo por lo que deberá averiguar qué le ha pasado a su amigo.El resultado es una historia sólida, llena de misterio que te engancha desde el primer momento. Los gráficos te sumergen en el argumento y la música, en las versiones de #Commodore64 y #ZXSpectrum128 le añaden un toque especial. El juego también está disponible para #MSX #AmstradCPC #OricAtmos y #MSDOS
Puedes descargarlo desde la web de Commodore Plus en 👍😊🕹️ #retrogaming #retrocomputing #retrogames #retrojuegos #videojuegos #videogames #aventuragrafica #zxspectrum
#commodore64 #zxspectrum128 #msx #amstradcpc #oricatmos #msdos #retrogaming #retrocomputing #retrogames #retrojuegos #videojuegos #videogames #aventuragrafica #zxspectrum
MOS Technology 6502 and nothing else!
#MOS6502 #MOSTechnology6502 #CPU #8bit #retrocomputer #80s #90s #Geek #NopIsNotAJoke #Oric #Oric1 #OricAtmos #Stratos #Telestrat #Tangerine
#mos6502 #mostechnology6502 #cpu #8bit #retrocomputer #80s #90s #geek #nopisnotajoke #oric #oric1 #oricatmos #stratos #telestrat #tangerine
WTF?! #Oric, there are NOT 6 seven of clubs in a deck 🤦♀️
#oric #oricatmos #cribbage #fubar #retrocomputing #retrogaming
This is verrrrrrrrry pretty. I think it would compliment my #SordM5 very well, and I should therefore be allowed to keep it 😄
#sordm5 #oricatmos #retrocomputing
Desktop Operating systems since 1978... Remember when #Commodore represented 64% of the OS used? #Commodore64 #OricAtmos...etc
#commodore #commodore64 #oricatmos
É hoje!
O microcomputador ORIC-1 de 1983
Há 40 anos!
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #OricProductsInternationalLtd #ORIC1 #ORICAtmos #MarkRainer #NigelPentonTilbury #PaulJohnson #TangerineComputer #ULA #Sinclair
#sinclair #ula #tangerinecomputer #pauljohnson #nigelpentontilbury #markrainer #oricatmos #oric1 #oricproductsinternationalltd #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
The old ads are especially nostalgia-inducing for those of us old enough to recall that first wave of home computers, who bashed away in BASIC and loaded and saved to audio cassette with our 16k RAM, or perhaps a muscular 48k or even 64k!
Oric Atmos, Dragon 32, BBC Model B, Vic-20, even the enormous "portable" version of the Commodore 64!
#retro #vintage #magazine #ComputerAndVideoGames #adverts #RetroAdverts #RetroComputers #1984 #1980s #Vic20 #OricAtmos #BBCModelB #Dragon32
#dragon32 #BBCModelB #oricatmos #vic20 #1980s #retrocomputers #retroadverts #adverts #computerandvideogames #magazine #vintage #retro
Hey ! Look what arrived right on time for Christmas ! #retrocomputing #oricatmos
Hey ! Look what arrived right on time for Christmas ! #retrocomputing #oricatmos
@idreamtin8bits Greetings and thanks for the follow.
You probably found me through the hashtags in my introduction. Very possibly for #OricAtmos
I still own an Oric, and also have a full Commodore 128 system that belongs to my wife.
Recently I gave away an Enterprise 128.
Born in #Scotland
Owned 80s computers: #OricAtmos, #Dragon32, #AmstradPCW & #Amiga
Listen to British Alt 80s. Range goes from New Age - FM Rock.
Read #Marvel and #DC comics, so enjoy Superhero Movies, also #Scifi TV & Movies.
In 1999 moved to #Kentucky, USA to marry Arianna. We met on #IRC in 1997.
Employed by God's Pantry Food Bank since July 1999. #FoodBank
2008 I discovered #Linux, running #LinuxMint
2016 I moved to #Solus, currently on a System76 Thelio.
Also run #PCLinuxOS
Online social life:
#TechAndCoffee -
#TheBugcast Podcast - @thebugcast
#TuxJam Podcast - @tuxjam - #Podcrawl
Born again #Christian since 31st January 1988.
Fellowshiped with "Plymouth" Brethren.
In membership with Ironworks Pike Community Church (EFCA).
On Telegram I run a Christian hangout group where we share life, #Bible, and prayers.
Been on Mastodon for almost 4 years but this is the first time I have tooted an #introduction.
Looking forward to chatting and discussing with you.
#introduction #bible #christian #podcrawl #tuxjam #TheBugcast #TechAndCoffee #pclinuxos #solus #linuxmint #linux #foodbank #irc #kentucky #scifi #dc #marvel #amiga #amstradpcw #dragon32 #oricatmos #scotland
PeppermintOS has released a refreshed 64 bit ISO and an official 32 bit ISO for the Linux distro.
Installing the 32 bit on my Asus EeePC 1000 Netbook to use as a "tape recorder" for my Oric Atmos. Really!
#PeppermintOS #Linux #Oric #OricAtmos
#oricatmos #oric #linux #peppermintos
Reason to like IT Crowd 1/∞ :
Oric Atmos next to Moss
(my first computer)
#ITCrowd #OricAtmos