Talkative Oriental Shorthair Pearlie Mae
#コーニッシュ・レックス #talkativecat #orientalshorthair #neko
Talkative Oriental Shorthair Pearlie Mae
#コーニッシュ・レックス #talkativecat #orientalshorthair #neko #cat
Last night I had a vivid #dream of a deceased #cat of mine, a white Oriental Shorthair, who passed away a long time ago. For some reason I was visiting a reduced scale recreation of the set of #Tatooine (Star Wars). I don't remember much details now but at some point I decided to pet my cat, and he started #purring just like old times. It was not a generic #purr, but the exact purr that this cat produced. Then I woke up.
Good dream.
#dream #cat #tatooine #purring #purr #vividdream #orientalshorthair #catstodon
セルカークレックス キャット 101 : 品種 & ;人格
##ocicat #allergictocats #allergyfree #allergytocats #Balinese #bengal #bestcatsforallergies #breedsofcats #burmese #catallergies #catallergy #catbreeds #catrexselkirk #ColorpointShorthair #CornishRex #DevonRex #hypoallergenicbreeds #hypoallergeniccats #Javanese #LaPerm #neko #nonsheddingcats #orientalshorthair #rex101 #Russianblue #selkirkrex101 #selkirkrexcat #selkirkrexintroduction #selkirkrexkittens #Siamese #Siberian #Sphynx #セルカーク・レックス
#セルカーク #sphynx #siberian #siamese #selkirkrexkittens #selkirkrexintroduction #selkirkrexcat #selkirkrex101 #russianblue #rex101 #orientalshorthair #nonsheddingcats #neko #LaPerm #javanese #hypoallergeniccats #hypoallergenicbreeds #devonrex #cornishrex #ColorpointShorthair #catrexselkirk #catbreeds #catallergy #catallergies #burmese #breedsofcats #bestcatsforallergies #bengal #balinese #allergytocats #AllergyFree #allergictocats #ocicat
Been feeling terribly anxious lately. Now I'm anxious that I'm anxious and I might get sick from the prolonged stress.
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #drawing #illustration #art #artist #traditionalart #limitedpalette #yellow #blue #stress #fear #cat #orientalshorthair
#orientalshorthair #cat #fear #stress #blue #yellow #limitedpalette #TraditionalArt #artist #art #illustration #drawing #CreativeToots #MastoArt