This means that cross-disciplinary boosts may be particularly important in making worthy posts visible on different servers? (& favourites have no effect for this purpose?)
Some users boost only on-topic in order to keep a focussed profile, yet the cross-fertilisation from different fields is very valuable. Another reason to support the request for an #OriginalContentView for profiles:
I've just been posting on birdsite to show options for following original content posted here: https://nitter.freedit.eu/ClaireFromClare/status/1616674421439172609
I too find it useful to filter an individual's posts by #hashtag, or see their #OriginalPosts in #RSS. Thanks @Fedi.Tips & responders suggesting solutions! https://h-net.social/@feditips@mstdn.social/109666438675126482
I hope that future versions of Mastodon will add #OriginalContentView (https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/22885) to toggle #OriginalContent only, without boosts?
#hashtag #originalposts #rss #originalcontentview #originalcontent #FediTips #twittermigration #feedback #nitter