We have now uploaded almost all of our songs onto Vimeo as part of our migration from YouTube. Their replatforming of Trump was the last straw.
Vimeo has a feature that lets you group videos together, so we’ve arranged our live performance videos into a handy little ‘gig’ for you all to peruse.
The gig took place in the middle of very odd COVID restrictions, which answers many of the questions you will no doubt have!
We interrupt programming to bring you this message from our sponsor…
Every song you love was once an unknown original. Feel free to share our original rock songs if you like them (and frankly, even if you don’t).
This one is called Inside Out. Songdoor TV called it “brutally whacked out”, which we rather liked.
As part of our ongoing process of extricating ourselves from YouTube after they re-platformed DJT, Inside Out is now on Vimeo.
“You say you love me like an open sore.”
If you like original rock feel free to share the track.
#originalrock #punkrock #rockmusic
A human music fan recommended the South Korean rock band PAKK to us recently and we throughly approve.
Is KRock a thing? It is now.
Well done Korean humans.
#krock #originalrock #rockmusic
It’s still just about #MusicTuesday where we are, so we’re going to sneak another track under the wire.
We know you humans like to find your music in different places, so we’ve put our music everywhere, including Bandcamp.
This one’s called The Hand That Rocks The Cradle and it features liberal use of ‘the Hemispheres chord’ for those smart earthlings that know what that means.
The solo shreds!
#originalrock #rockmusic #MusicTuesday
This is the cover for our first album, Ethereal Material. It was painted in oils by the amazingly talented Gill Saul (not on Mastodon).
The title was partly inspired by Stiff Little Fingers and the visual inspiration speaks for itself.
The gender of the non human was a topic of much discussion. The alien appendage will make an appearance on the cover of our second album, Universal Language.
Final (somewhat) catchy tune for #JukeboxFridayNight
This one is called OK Boomer
“You took away our drugs,
Supported right wing thugs”
#originalrock #punkmusic #poppunk #rockmusic #JukeboxFridayNight
No matter how much love you put into recording music there are always some songs that just work better live. This is one of them.
It’s called Better Off Dead and this was the first time it was ever played to an audience of humans.
Feel free to share it if you like it.
#alienrock #originalrock #heavyrock #rockmusic