A bit of #astrophotography for a change. The #OrionNebula It is 1,344 ± 20 light-years (412.1 ± 6.1 pc) away and is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth. The M42 nebula is estimated to be 24 light-years across (so its apparent size from Earth is approximately 1 degree). It has a mass of about 2,000 times that of the Sun. (wikipedia)
#astrophotography #orionnebula
✨ORION under alpine skies✨
I had three clear nights under dark alpine skies in a row and decided to simply point my camera at the same thing every night. With over 9 h of exposure, this is the most time I've dedicated to a single photo so far.
550 x 60 s at ISO 1600
#Zhongyi #Mitakon Creator 135 mm at f/4
#Canon 2000Da
#Skywatcher Star Adventurer 2i
No filter
#astrophotography #deepsky #stars #spacephotography #space #blattenbelalp #belalp #alps #alpen #orion #orionnebula #horseheadnebula
#zhongyi #mitakon #canon #skywatcher #astrophotography #deepsky #stars #spacephotography #space #blattenbelalp #belalp #Alps #Alpen #Orion #orionnebula #horseheadnebula
That could be a first - a telescope (!) looking at the #OrionNebula recorded the fiery #reentry of #Starlink satellite going straight over it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJJUz5amEGE&t=677s (with https://twitter.com/Marco_Langbroek/status/1628430380205219840 confirming the ID). Click on the link to start the recording a few seconds before it happens.
#starlink #reentry #orionnebula
That could be a first - a telescope (!) looking at the #OrionNebula recorded the fiery #reentry of #Starlink satellite going straight over it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJJUz5amEGE&t=677s (with https://twitter.com/Marco_Langbroek/status/1628430380205219840 confirming the ID).
#starlink #reentry #orionnebula
Last night's view of the Orion Nebula from my light polluted backyard.
This is a single 20 second exposure, 300mm, f4.5, ISO 800. Lots of post-processing for contrast and color.
Could have nailed the focus a little better, but I was just doing casual shooting and didn't want to break out the Bahtinov mask.
#astrophotography #pentax #orionnebula #Orion #astronomy
Der berühmte #Orionnebel, aufgenommen gestern Abend.
The famous #OrionNebula captured yesterday evening.
#Astrofotografie #Astrophotography #Amateurastronomie #Amateurastronomy #Deepsky #M42
#orionnebel #orionnebula #astrofotografie #astrophotography #amateurastronomie #amateurastronomy #DeepSky #m42
"Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula"
Oil painting on A4 canvas paper.
Inspired by Michael W. Dean's photo: https://twitter.com/FreedomFeens/status/1612092883934547976
#art #spaceart #painting #Orion #OrionNebula #spaceartist #astrodon #astronomy #stars #space #amateurastronomy #astrophotography #oilpainting #painting
#art #spaceart #painting #Orion #orionnebula #spaceartist #Astrodon #astronomy #stars #space #amateurastronomy #astrophotography #oilpainting
Das ist bisher meine beste Aufnahme des Orion-Nebels. Da steckt einiges an Vor- und Nachbearbeitung drin.
Aufgenommen habe ich mit einer Canon EOS 600Da / 250mm. 60 Einzelbilder á 60 s, dazu je 30 Darks, Flats und Bias.
#astrofotografie #OrionNebula #Orionnebel
#astrofotografie #orionnebula #Orionnebel
#SkyWatch #Astrophotography The #OrionNebula and the #RunningManNebula are 1300+ light years from Earth and are among the brightest objects in the sky. I got eight 3-minute exposures before the clouds came in. This is a rough edit and I will add to the data when I get another brief clear glimpse. #StillLearning
#skywatch #astrophotography #orionnebula #runningmannebula #stilllearning
#OrionsSword + #M42 the #OrionNebula taken from Oxfordshire 16th Jan 2023. #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor + astro-modded #Canon1100D on an EQ5 Pro mount. 105 x 30 seconds + 23 darks for the main image, the core was 21 x 8 seconds, all shot at ISO-3200.
#orionssword #m42 #orionnebula #williamoptics #canon1100d
The Orion Nebula, a stack of ten 10 second exposures.
#photography #astrophotography #orionnebula
First #AstronomySketch using my new #ParallelogramMount for my 15 x 70 #Binoculars of #M42 #OrionNebula It was clear when I set up but clouded over after 4 stars were added; the rest were added 1 star at a time through gaps. It took well over an hour! Black paper + #StabiloCarbOthello #PastelPencils
#astronomysketch #parallelogrammount #binoculars #m42 #orionnebula #stabilocarbothello #pastelpencils
This is my best yet of M42 (Orion Nebula) taken with an ASI astrocam and tracking scope. This is a crop of photo taken with a 510mm effective scope with focal reducer field flattener 4 substacks LRGB filter wheel and finished off with Photoshop and Lightroom. If you want more technical details, feel free to ask. Hope you like.
#photography #astrophotography #orionnebula #Astrodon
Reprocessed from last year using Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight & Photoshop. Learning never ends.
#astrophotography #OrionNebula
#astrophotography #orionnebula
This was my first night braving winter temperatures with my telescope. Both the battery and the drive motors held up well at -10°C for an hour and a half but my fingers and toes wouldn't want it any colder. I caught a quick pic of the Orion Nebula with my cell phone at the eyepiece. #OrionNebula, #BackyardAstronony
#orionnebula #backyardastronony
In the meantime, I added about 4h of H-alpha data to my #OrionNebula. Processing this is quite complicated, as the central region is already so colorful, but I found a nice tutorial by Frank Sackenheim (in German).
#orionnebula #astrophotography
La magia del apilado en #astrofotografia
Comparación de una imagen contra 13 imágenes apiladas de M42.
Es una de las pocas nebulosas que pueden observarse a simple vista, incluso desde la ciudad.
Los astrónomos árabes llamaron Nair al Saif que en español significa : "La Espada Luminosa".
#NebulosaDeOrión #OrionNebula #NGC1976 #M42 #FotografíaAstronómica #AstroFotos #AstronomicalPhotography #AstroPhotos #AstroPhotography #AstroPics #Nebulosa #Nebula
#nebula #nebulosa #astropics #astrophotography #astrophotos #astronomicalphotography #astrofotos #fotografiaastronomica #m42 #ngc1976 #orionnebula #nebulosadeorion #astrofotografia
A few clouds will pass over the #WestportObservatory for the WAS Weekly Wednesday #StarParty tonight 12/14 - But it will be COLD! Bundle up to see #Geminid meteors, #Jupiter, #Mars, the #OrionNebula and your #Universe after 8 pm. Pick up a WAS Calendar!
#westportobservatory #starparty #geminid #jupiter #mars #orionnebula #universe
Same image... different processing. First image has not had stars colour balanced whereas the second image has.
Image 1.
Orion Nebula.
Imaged: November 17th
Location: Scoresby (Bortle 6)
Camera: google Pixel 5 madebygoogle
Mount: skywatcheraustralia Star Adventurer
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
Eyepiece: 24mm televueoptics Panoptic
Phone Holder: Saxon Scopepix
363 x 32 Second Lights
ISO 200
Darks x 180
Flats x 40
Dark Flats x 40
Stacked in APP & Processed in photoshop.
Image 2.
Orion Nebula.
Imaged: November 17th
Location: Scoresby (Bortle 6)
Camera: GooglePixel 5 Phone Camera
Mount: Sky-Watcher Australia Star Adventurer
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
Eyepiece: 24mm Tele Vue Optics Panoptic
Phone Holder: Saxon Scopepix
363 x 32 Second Lights
ISO 200
Darks x 180
Flats x 40
Dark Flats x 40
Stars Colour Balanced
Stacked in APP & Processed in photoshop.
#astronomy #space #science #Stem #nebula #orion #orionnebula #google #googlepixel #staradventurer #skywatcher
#astronomy #space #science #stem #nebula #orion #orionnebula #google #googlepixel #staradventurer #skywatcher