Just paid for the tickets to see #Stevehackett at the #Orpheum Theater later this year...he typically does one set of new material and one of old. This time, the old is the entire Foxtrot album, that I've been obsessed with for fifty years. 👍 😀
Vancouver Things: Summer Movie Nights at The Orpheum https://miss604.com/2023/04/summer-movie-nights-at-the-orpheum.html - via @Miss604 #Vancouver #Events #VancouverEvents #VancouverSymphonyOrchestra #vancouver #concerts #Orpheum #movies #events #music #arts #film #BC
#Vancouver #events #vancouverevents #vancouversymphonyorchestra #concerts #orpheum #Movies #music #arts #Film #BC
#HaderOnIce im legendären #Orpheum in Wien
Was sie trinken, brauch i ned lustig sein
Choir practice in the beautiful #Orpheum, not a bad place to be. Excellent end to the day! #vancouver #VBC #Messiah #ChristmasCarols
#Vancouver #vbc #messiah #christmascarols #orpheum