Today's #ride was what Monday's would have been if I hadn't gotten double impact punctures on the #PinarelloMarvel. Not a problem on #tubeless and #OsgarTheOrro never lets me down! 55km done heading south from mine to just past #ManchesterAirport and turn for home at #Wilmslow. After Wilmslow is #Woodford where this shared path section starts and takes you all the way to #HazelGrove, near #Stockport, about 5km. Sweet! Got home just as my wife rang our son for tech support on how to tether her phone to her Chromebook while she was at her brother's. Invoice is emailed!
#Orro #cycling #OrroBikes #BikeTooter #BikeToot #FromWhereIRide #OutsideIsFree #CyclingIsLife #MrsCaseysTechSupportHowCanIHelp #CyclingIsAwesome
#manchesterairport #ride #pinarellomarvel #tubeless #osgartheorro #wilmslow #woodford #hazelgrove #stockport #orro #cycling #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #cyclingislife #mrscaseystechsupporthowcanihelp #cyclingisawesome
Day off so a quick morning 90 minute, 40km ride up (and down) some local lumps before I get my ears tested. One very small batch of mizzle otherwise nice and dry. #BikeTooter #BikeToot #OrroBikes #OsgarTheOrro #Orro #Cycling #RiverGoyt #River #OutsideIsFree #FromWhereIRide #LoveCycling
#BikeTooter #biketoot #orrobikes #osgartheorro #orro #cycling #rivergoyt #river #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling
A heady couple of hours on Osgar earlier. Lots of climbing but we both enjoy it. Some friends (not food) and #HartsheadPike from the top of Mossley Road, looking down on #Greenfield and #Uppermill from Ladcastle Road, the top of Grains Road and looking down on Town from Top O' Th' Meadows. Lovely stuff. And all this was after I'd been chatting with the #vegan protesters outside Pilgrims in A-U-L. Power to the plant eaters!
#Orro #OrroBikes #OrroTerraCHydro #Cycling #VeganCyclist #FuelledByPlants #FromWhereIRide #OutsideIsFree #BikeToot #BikeTooter #Manchester #OsgarTheOrro
#hartsheadpike #greenfield #uppermill #vegan #orro #orrobikes #orroterrachydro #cycling #vegancyclist #fuelledbyplants #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #biketoot #BikeTooter #manchester #osgartheorro
I've been in #Chipiona #Spain just over 2 weeks now keeping an eye on my Mum, who's recovering from a big op. I've 2 more weeks to go before I head home back to #Manchester. I'll miss looking after Mum but I'm really looking forward to getting back to being with Wendy & Conor. And my bikes! #Orro
#chipiona #spain #manchester #orro
Its been a wait but its finally here. Thank you for your patience Mr C. #newbikeday #orro #venturi #orrobikes #fulcrum #shimao #shimanodi2
#newbikeday #orro #venturi #orrobikes #fulcrum #shimao #shimanodi2
Egun on Mastodon herria!
Astebete igaro da #tooteuskaraz nola esan erabakitzeko prozesua abiarazi genuenetik. Hauek dira emaitzak:
:mastodon: #tut 40 ⭐
:mastodon: #orro 9 ⭐
:mastodon: #marru 5 ⭐
:mastodon: #toot 3 ⭐
Ondorioz, hemendik aurrera #tut erabiliko dugu kontu honetan eta eguneratuko dugu #tooten ordez #tut erabiltzeko.
Mila esker guztiei parte hartzeagatik!
#tooteuskaraz #tut #orro #marru #toot
Mastodon Komunitateak #tooteuskaraz nola esan erabakitzeko parte hartze prozesu bat hasi dugu.
@admin ek hari bat sortu du orain arte egin diren proposamenekin: #marru, #orro, #toot, #tut... Nahi duzun aukera edo aukerei gogoko emanez adierazi dezakezu zure iritzia.
#tooteuskaraz #marru #orro #toot #tut
#tooteuskaraz esateko #orro erabiltzearen aldekoa bazara eman gogoko mezu honi.
Astebete barru gogoko gehien dituen hitza bada, berau erabiltzen hasiko gara Admin kontuan, dokumentazioan... eta itzultzaileei ere hauxe erabiltzea gomendatuko diegu.
Egun on Mastodon herria!
Komunitateak #tooteuskaraz nola esan erabakitzeko parte hartze prozesu bat hasiko dugu.
Hari bat sortuko dugu orain arte egin diren proposamenekin: #marru, #orro, #toot, #tut... Nahi duzun aukera edo aukerei gogoko emanez adierazi dezakezu zure iritzia.
Astebete igarotakoan gogoko gehien dituen hitza erabiltzen hasiko gara Admin kontuan, dokumentazioan... eta itzultzaileei ere hori erabiltzea gomendatuko diegu.
#tooteuskaraz #marru #orro #toot #tut
Nire hausnarketatxoa eta proposamentxoa hemen: #orro
Nire hausnarketatxoa eta proposamentxoa hemen: #orro