Kommordore Deffgit and #TheGloomwyrms - part 5
The Gloomwyrms arrived on the mist-shrouded shores of a rugged island, isolated in the centre of the Ur-River as it flowed through Ulgu.
#Warcry #AgeofSigmar #OrrukPirates #AnimosityV #AnimosityCampaigns
#thegloomwyrms #warcry #ageofsigmar #orrukpirates #animosityv #AnimosityCampaigns
My warband display board is finished 😁
A little bit of Gnarlwood Encampment for the pirate orruks.
More details on my latest blog post: https://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-road-to-warhammer-fest-2023-part-4.html
#Warcry #WarhammerFest #WarcryRumble #WarhamFam #OrrukPirates
#warcry #warhammerfest #warcryrumble #warhamFam #orrukpirates
I have settled on the frame (for now at least!) and started building.
The awning will be painted as a red and white striped sail.
I am going to add more detail, like broken timbers and discarded gear.
#Warcry #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerFest #OrrukPirates #OrrukWarclans #TheSwordfyshes
#warcry #warhammercommunity #warhammerfest #orrukpirates #orrukwarclans #TheSwordfyshes
Plans for the display base are up in the air again. All "rejected" ideas are back in the "maybe?" column!
#WarhammerFest #Warcry #WarhammerCommunity #WarhamFam #Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #OrrukPirates #OrrukWarclans #Orruks #Ironjawz #DisplayBoard
#warhammerfest #warcry #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #warhammer #ageofsigmar #orrukpirates #orrukwarclans #orruks #ironjawz #displayboard
Playing with ideas for a mini display board, for the Warhammer Fest Warcry Rumble.
#WarhammerFest #Warcry #WarhammerCommunity #WarhamFam #Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #OrrukPirates #OrrukWarclans #Orruks #Ironjawz #DisplayBoard
#warhammerfest #warcry #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #warhammer #ageofsigmar #orrukpirates #orrukwarclans #orruks #ironjawz #displayboard
In a move that will shock everyone, I bought some dice in Element's black friday sale. I got the Kill Team Phobos set, for 75% off.
They are piratey! How could I not? They also match my Orruk dice (that are actually from the KT Ork set).
So (at the moment) these are my #Warcry dice for the tournament at #WarhammerFest.
#warcry #warhammerfest #orrukpirates #TheSwordfyshes #warhammercommunity