This one has been helpful since a long time
#openrouteservice #RStats #ORS
adapted to a couple of platforms, using #googleway or #leaflet
#leaflet #googleway #ors #RStats #openrouteservice
Worked a lot over the last few months helping update the OSE SRD. If you’re into the OSR scene check it out
#oldschoolessentials #ose #ors #rpg
That feeling when you get chosen to present your work at a conference but hate public speaking 🙃 #OrthopedicResearchSociety #ORS #Metabolomics #Aging #HighFatDiet #Obesity
#orthopedicresearchsociety #ors #metabolomics #aging #highfatdiet #obesity
"While initially, the medical fraternity was septical, the WHO eventually adopted ORS as the standard method for treating cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases."
#ORS is a serious life saver.
Adieu to the great doctor who made it possible.
His efforts shows how simple and effective treatment methods could be developed that can be used with less professional help.
Dr Dilip Mahalanabis passes away: How he came up with ORS, which revolutionised diarrhoea treatment
ORS nuovo gestore del CPR di Torino #L'informazionediBlackout #torino #cpr #ors
ORS nuovo gestore del CPR di Torino #L'informazionediBlackout #torino #cpr #ors
MURI, GABBIE E MILIONI – Puntata 2 – CPR di Macomer (NU) – ORS #maipiucprmaipiulager #Sportelloil-legale #MicroclinicaFatih #Antirazzismo #MediaeRegime #Migrante #macomer #CPR #ors
#ors #cpr #macomer #migrante #MediaeRegime #antirazzismo #MicroclinicaFatih #Sportelloil #maipiucprmaipiulager
Na #ors :birdsiteonfire: vi que tem gente querendo enquadrar a diplomacia chinesa sobre o :corona: para passar pano pro embaichapeiro? Vc viu isso tb @jairmearrependi ? O povo tá louco nas calças mesmo!
#ORS #OID They claim to have a universal name resolution system, with just two authoritative name servers, both in the same rack in Korea? #DNS
Note the #ISO standard for this "Object identifier resolution system" is 118 swiss francs, so I cannot download it to check. Yet another bureaucratic standard.
(The standard is not freely available, but the name servers allow AXFR, allowing to see there is little actual content.)