#SciFi #ScienceFiction #books #bookstodon #OrsonScottCard
Today is Orson Scott Card's Birthday
Orson Scott Card (8/24/1951) an American science fiction writer, is the only person to win Hugo & Nebula Awards in consecutive years, for his novels "Ender's Game" and its sequel "Speaker for the Dead"
"Ender's Game"
"Speaker for the Dead"
for sale here:
or see the full collection here:
#scifi #sciencefiction #books #bookstodon #orsonscottcard
And here are some more despicably misogynistic morsels from Orson Scott Card's SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD:
-- "Your women are too stupid to know that he is wise."
-- "What did Rooter think, that if human women were smarter, they would kill Pipo?"
-- "Your women, they are weak and stupid...Your women didn't see Pipo's wisdom."
-- A woman monk who is described looks first, intelligence later.
-- "Make her stop strutting, Speaker."
-- Plikt, the "bright" woman teacher, condemned for asking questions and told by Ender, "It's none of your business" when curious. She wants to be speaker and is reduced to begging: "I want to speak for you!" That is, without agency. Then she is mocked for "having emotion."
And this is just the first 40 pages, folks. This guy needs to be decanonized pronto. To say that he has "issues with women" is an understatement.
Orson Scott Card's SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD. Right out of the gate: "hilariously bitchy and demanding." "It's her time of the month again." I would pay good money to watch a dozen jacked up dudes repeatedly punch Card in the face. This pitiful, unimaginative, and misogynistic pig has no business winning awards or being canonized. He is a terrible writer and a hideous man.
SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD features a woman monk in its opening pages. A promising idea, right? But Orson Scott Card describes her beauty before he unpacks her intelligence. And even then, she is described as "utterly cold, completely removed from everyone else." If a woman has any intellectual agency in the Card universe, it is only because she has no soul and only AFTER Card has sized up her looks. What a pitiful misogynistic man. What a failure of the imagination!
And you rewarded this creatively impoverished asshat with a Nebula, a Hugo, AND a Locus Award for this bullshit? Jesus Christ.
Orson Scott Card looks and talks like one of the Commanders on THE HANDMAID'S TALE: smug, imperious, an instinctive mansplainer who would probably not break his cool complacency even as a poor frightened kid was screaming and begging not to attend conversion therapy or a woman was forced to bear children. I get a vibe of innate cruelty from this guy. And I would probably stab myself if I had the misfortune to be stuck in the same room as him. It wasn't a surprise to stumble upon a clip in which that evil chipmunk Ben Shapiro shamelessly genuflected to his false god and this wildly overrated writer.
We all know that Orson Scott Card is a homophobic asshole, but have you read ENDER'S GAME lately? As part of my canvassing of Nebula winners, I'm now reading it for the first time. Turns out that he's not much of a writer either. Stilted and ridiculous dialogue ("I'm a girl and you're a pissant of a six-year-old. We have so much in common, why don't we be friends?"), broad and tepid characterizations that reveal a shallow grasp of humanity (dog eat dog competitive libertarian bullshit), and a plot so creaky that one genuinely ponders why so many people were captivated by this book. Oh, and an obsession with farts that suggests that Card has the mentality of a six-year-old hopped up on Ritalin rather than a grown-ass man.
THIS garbage won the Nebula Award?
I shall read this and SPEAKER OF THE DEAD. But who honestly still holds Card up as a serious writer these days? This is awful hackery.
@evildrganymede I have just started #OrsonScottCard latest series “pathfinder”. Excellent treatment of time and space physics and space travel. Hard work following the logic but well worth it. #scifi
I just had an idea for a #RickAndMorty alternate universe bit, where they use the #PortalGun to visit a universe where #Morty is a #mortar and #Rick is a #peslte.
They get in an argument over the names of this antiquated #apothecary tool's parts (which part should have been named the mortar and which the pestle), which then turns into an actual fight over their respective names and bodies in this universe.
Meanwhile, a gigantic alien pharmacist uses the two of them to grind up some anti-flatulence tablets, then uses #OrsonScottCard (who lives in this universe as a credit card) to cut the resulting powder into two long lines, snorts them, and lets out a long, ecstatic sigh of relief.
At this last part, Rick and Morty stop fighting and stare up at the alien pharmacist in utter confusion/horror for several seconds, eyes wide and mouths agape. Finally, Morty says "I won't tell anyone if you won't," Rick replies, "Deal," and then zaps them into the next universe with the portal gun.
#rickandmorty #portalgun #morty #mortar #rick #peslte #apothecary #orsonscottcard
#orsonScottcard dans "Comment écrire de la #fantasy et de la #sciencefiction"
#sciencefiction #fantasy #orsonscottcard
@dthrak oh ya! Haha. #OrsonScottCard is in about 6 of these #COMPUTE! #books !
#Books #compute #orsonscottcard
#JamesThayer has another fact and example-filled #podcast episode on writing #villains. He cites #OrsonScottCard 's book "Characters and Viewpoints". If you #write villians, and according to James, most books have a bad guy/gal, this podcast is a gem (and the associated book).👺
#amwriting #writers #Writer #WritersLife #writing #WritingCommunity #indieauthors #IndiePubFTW #author #authors
#jamesthayer #podcast #villains #orsonscottcard #write #amwriting #writers #writer #writerslife #writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #author #authors
My favorite #fantasy #7books :
Neverwhere by #NeilGaiman
Enchantment by #OrsonScottCard
The Wood Wife by #TerriWindling
The Book of Lost Things by #JohnConnoly
Thomas the Rhymer by #EllenKushner
The Night Circus by #ErinMorgenstern
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by #SusannaClarke
#fantasy #7books #neilgaiman #orsonscottcard #terriwindling #johnconnoly #ellenkushner #erinmorgenstern #susannaclarke #favorite #books #bookstodon
@BethBarnes I do tend towards the scifi. But I have to start with
#orsonscottcard #stephenking #andyweir #marthawells #DennisETaylor #isaacasimov #tolkein
I'll respond with both #scifi and #fantasy as the distinction can sometimes be blurry.
I'm a huge fan of the #EartseaCycle by #UrsulaKLeGuin
Other favorite authors include #NeilGaiman #PhilipKDick #AlfredBester #GeneWolfe #NealStephenson & #OrsonScottCard
#IsaacAsimov and #RobertAHeinlein were great & prolific writers with fantastic characters and plots, but it can be difficult to get past their sexism.
I just finished #Elantris by #BrandonSanderson which was excellent
#scifi #fantasy #EartseaCycle #ursulakleguin #neilgaiman #philipkdick #AlfredBester #genewolfe #nealstephenson #orsonscottcard #isaacasimov #RobertAHeinlein #Elantris #brandonsanderson
Dernier coup de coeur en date. Grosse envie de lire pour le plaisir, donc aller-retour rapide en fantasy. Led chroniques d'Alvin le faiseur ce sont 6 livres addictifs...
#alivrouvert #librairie #paris #livres #lecture #coupdecoeur #livresaddict
#fantasy #leschroniquesdalvinlefaiseur #leseptiemefils #orsonscottcard #atalante #magie #faiseur #alvinmiller
#alvinmiller #faiseur #magie #atalante #orsonscottcard #leseptiemefils #leschroniquesdalvinlefaiseur #fantasy #livresaddict #coupdecoeur #lecture #livres #paris #librairie #alivrouvert