"Citizen Kane" released in theaters on September 5, 1941. Regarded by many as the greatest sound film ever. The movie exploited every trick in the book and invented some of its own.
#CitizenKane #OrsonWelles #HermanJMankiewicz #GreggToland #BernardHerrmann
#citizenkane #orsonwelles #hermanjmankiewicz #greggtoland #bernardherrmann
#boomerissimo #OrsonWelles #Hitler #UnoCinema #Cinema #Film
#boomerissimo #orsonwelles #hitler #unocinema #cinema #film
A fantastic older blog post I just discovered with a lengthy overview of Orson Welles' career
#OrsonWelles #ClassicMovies #Cinemastodon
#orsonwelles #classicmovies #cinemastodon
#OrsonWelles Top 10
1. Citizen Kane
2. Touch Of Evil
3. The Lady From Shanghai
4. F For Fake
5. The Stranger
6. Falstaff: Chimes At Midnight
7. The Magnificent Ambersons
8. Othello
9. The Trial
10. Mr. Arkadin
Scorci di apocalisse nel cinema di Tarkovskij https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/08/16/scorci-di-apocalisse-nel-cinema-di-tarkovskij/ #ArkadijeBorisStrugackij #FrancescoM.Cataluccio #AndrejTarkovskij #ErlandJosephson #LeonardodaVinci #TheodorW.Adorno #MichelFoucault #PieterBrueghel #IngmarBergman #leggeBasaglia #MaxHorkheimer #OrsonWelles #Apocalisse #Cinema&tv #CarolReed #PaoloLago #RenéChar #Cinema #follia
#ArkadijeBorisStrugackij #FrancescoM #andrejtarkovskij #ErlandJosephson #leonardodavinci #TheodorW #michelfoucault #pieterbrueghel #ingmarbergman #leggebasaglia #MaxHorkheimer #orsonwelles #apocalisse #cinema #carolreed #paololago #renéchar #follia
Reading this one for a second time in 20 yrs. Incredible person despite flaws, and comes across as very warm and human. Dispels a lot of myths and is a freaking hilarious raconteur! He has a pretty good handle on what being an artist is about. I’m surely going to rewatch as many of his films as I can soon! #orsonwelles #film
The Third Mare
A #FilmNoir horse has unexpectedly died… or has she?
#orsonwelles #HashtagGames #horsearoundwithaplot #filmnoir
Today I learned that the Orson Welles film 'The Magnificent Ambersons' is not about a circus family. I call that deceptive advertising.
#movies #classicmovies #orsonwelles
I took The Third Man to Third Man Records in #Detroit, #Michigan.
I bought Third Eye Blind’s self titled album. It was meta.
#OrsonWelles #Vinyl
#vinyl #orsonwelles #HashtagGames #takeafictionalcharacteronvacation #Michigan #detroit
Orson Welles was here
#Bales2023FilmChallenge June 23: A typewriter for #NationalTypewriterDay
Office worker Josef K. is brought to trial and at no point told what he is accused of, if anything. #Kafka was a trained lawyer working as an insurance agent in an impossible artifice world of reports & precise wording. W/i its extended logic a man can get perplexedly lost, either within the walls of his #office or one's bed.
#OrsonWelles' Le procès ☞ https://write.underworld.fr/settima/le-proces-1962
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationaltypewriterday #kafka #office #orsonwelles #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#TheWhiteStripes insulted Charles Foster Kane for me:
Well, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in gold mines, oil wells, shipping or real estate.
Yeah, what would I like to have been?
Everything you hate.
#CitizenKane #OrsonWelles
#orsonwelles #citizenkane #HashtagGames #insultafictionalcharacter #thewhitestripes
Via James L. Neibaur @jimlneibaur
A pic of #OrsonWelles jamming with LaurelAndHardy is just what I wanted to see - so I am sharing it with all of you
Useless quote for 22 May:
"Our liberty has every day to be saved from marauders whose greed is for all things possessed by the people. Care of these possessions is the hope of life on this planet."
~ Orson Welles, 1944
#OrsonWelles, 6 maggio 1915 – 10 ottobre 1985
#6maggio #orsonwelles #NatoOggi
Orson Welles (1915-1985) was born on this day. Here are two science fiction volumes in which he provided probably ghost-written articles.
From my collection.
#scifi #orsonwelles #sciencefiction
Orson Welles reads Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself
Born on this day in 1915, director/actor #OrsonWelles. Oscar winner on his first film, Citizen Kane in 1941.
May 6 is the birthday of film legend #OrsonWelles who we #quote and back with a picture of last night’s #sunset here in #Fallbrook. If this #quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#orsonwelles #quote #sunset #Fallbrook #quotograph