Hey, does anyone know why it would feel like my left shoulder keeps dis- then re-locating if I move my arm in a specific way? It hurts a LOT when it does, and I haven't the slightest clue why.
Since I'm a web developer and not a doctor, the closest guess as to where the pain is coming from is the supraspinatus being quirky, or the coracoid process going somewhere it shouldn't.
Excellent presentations and panel session yesterday morning from Pride Ortho at #COAMeeting. Inspirational to see this gaining traction in the field but still a clear-eyed look at how far we have to go to build an inclusive orthopaedic community.
#orthopaedics #pride #coameeting
A first knee in #human & #robot collaboration - first live-streamed #remote #roboticsurgery #demo in history! #austin #nyc #monogram #orthopaedics #2023life
#human #robot #remote #roboticsurgery #demo #austin #nyc #monogram #orthopaedics #2023life
New publication alert!
"Application of statistical shape modeling to the human hip joint: a scoping review", now available to read in JBI Evidence Synthesis.
#OpenAccess #hiphealth #biomechanics #modelling #orthopaedics #review
🧵 below:
#review #orthopaedics #modelling #biomechanics #hiphealth #openaccess
#orthopaedics #orthopedic #surgery is what I love. And I hope to make friends #NewToMastodon
#orthopaedics #orthopedic #surgery #NewToMastodon
I play music in a few bands, I lift weights and row to stave off physical ageing, I do crosswords and other puzzles to stave off mental ageing, and to pay the bills I fix bones and replace joints. And I like cats.
#synth #guitar #rock #yamaha #nord #mainstage #ernieball #powerlifting #squat #deadlift #bench #cryptic #orthopaedics #concept2
#introduction #synth #guitar #rock #yamaha #nord #mainstage #ernieball #powerlifting #squat #deadlift #bench #cryptic #orthopaedics #concept2
Hard surgeries result in hard clinics and vice versa.
Even so, slowing down and giving each patient the time they deserve makes it worth it.
#orthodon #OrthoMastodon #orthopaedics
The Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic #ScoliosIS (BASIS) Study is comparing night-time versus full-time bracing.
PhD student/surgical trainee, Rav Jayasuriya's embedded substudy, just presented at the British Scholiosis Society, looked at how protection motivation #theory can help understand brace #adherence. #healthpsychology #psychology #QualitativeResearch
#AIS #orthodon #orthopaedics #orthomastodon #orthotics
#scoliosis #theory #adherence #HealthPsychology #psychology #qualitativeresearch #ais #orthodon #orthopaedics #OrthoMastodon #orthotics
Earlier this month, @Mymomthesurgeon, Dr. Arianna Gianakos and I presented #GrandRounds at #OHSU #orthopaedics on #WomenInOrtho #SpeakUpOrtho #Allyship #MoralInjury. I’m amazed at what we’ve done in a little over a year. The power of community and voice.
#grandrounds #ohsu #orthopaedics #womeninortho #speakuportho #allyship #moralinjury
Wonderful to visit #MESmedicalcollege, #Kerala, #India and deliver a lecture on #SCFE and #CurrentConcepts . This year the focus is #Pediatric #Hip #Disorders
This #CME is held in memory of beloved Prof. #DrGopakumar, #Paediatric #orthopaedics #surgeon who was much loved and is sadly no more.
#mesmedicalcollege #kerala #india #scfe #currentconcepts #pediatric #hip #disorders #motscon #CME #drgopakumar #paediatric #orthopaedics #Surgeon #childship #disease #fai #safesurgicaldislocation #chondrolysis
I’m working on establishing #SpeakUpOrtho over here on #mastodon
As many of us move over to maintain our connections, I want to keep the positive culture change going in our great field of #orthopaedics and beyond! #OrthoTwitter #OrthoMastodon
#speakuportho #mastodon #orthopaedics #OrthoTwitter #OrthoMastodon
Doing hard things is part of what orthopaedics is all about. Most of the time surgeons equate that with complex or revision surgery.
I think it’s important to also do the hard things in clinic and professionally like educating, putting patients centermost , having clear indications, research, and saying “no.”
Good afternoon, tootworld! My intro:
I’m Juan Varela ,ortho surgeon from A Coruña (Galicia) mostly elbow to hand stuff Interested in music,books and laughs / #learningeveryday #OrthoTwitter #orthopaedics
#LearningEveryday #OrthoTwitter #orthopaedics
I find this Primary Care Dermatology Society website a really practical medical resource
What are your top tips for @teamgpuk ?
#Paediatrics #Endocrinology #respiratory #cardiology #orthopaedics #radiology #neurology #gastroenterology #mentalhealth #palliativecare #dermatology #MedMastodon #medtwitter #mededucation #pcn #arrs #physiotherapy #gppracticemanagers #primarycarepharmacist #hca #primarycarenursing #gpn #primarycare
Ho raccontato una storia noiosa, e per nulla esente da errori, questo weekend.
#orthopaedics #rehabilitation #medicine #shoulder
Time for part 2 of my fediverse #introduction - now with more hashtags!
My work: #biomechanics #MRI #orthopaedics #engineering #paediatric #ubc #vancouver
My varied other interests: #urbanplanning #electoralreform #crochet #maps #mg (the cars) etc etc
#mg #maps #crochet #electoralreform #urbanplanning #vancouver #ubc #paediatric #engineering #orthopaedics #mri #biomechanics #introduction
Come primo Toot (si dice così giusto?), metto un lavoro riguardante "cose di cui mi occupo" che ho trovato molto interessante per interpretazione e prospettive future.
#medicine #health #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #orthopaedics #backpain #spine #microbiota #science
#medicine #health #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #orthopaedics #backpain #spine #microbiota #science