Encore un œdipode turquoise très nombreux cette année. #insecte #insect #criquet #cricket #orthoptera
#insecte #insect #criquet #cricket #orthoptera
Grande sauterelle verte renversée #tettigoniaviridissima #insect #insecte #Orthoptera
#tettigoniaviridissima #insect #insecte #orthoptera
Leptophye ponctuée #leptophysespunctatissima #orthoptera #criquet #cricket
#leptophysespunctatissima #orthoptera #criquet #cricket
L’envol de l’œdipode turquoise. Du coup on voit bien ses ailes bleues ! #oedipodacaerulescens #orthoptera #insect #insecte
#oedipodacaerulescens #orthoptera #insect #insecte
Œdipode turquoise. Une sorte de criquet qui semble avoir de belles ailes bleues bien cachées (d’où son nom). #orthoptera #insect #insecte #criquet #oedipodacaerulescens
#orthoptera #insect #insecte #criquet #oedipodacaerulescens
A Slender Groundhopper - a small relative of the grasshoppers. I don't come across this species very often, but it is abundant on my allotment plot. In #Bath #Somerset #UK.
#Nature #Wildlife #BritishWildlife #NatureCommunity #Spring #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #Insect #Grasshopper #Entomology #Orthoptera
#bath #somerset #UK #nature #wildlife #britishwildlife #naturecommunity #spring #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #insect #grasshopper #entomology #orthoptera
Northern Marbled Grasshopper (Spharagemon marmorata marmorata)
#Orthoptera #Grasshopper #Grasshoppers #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #grasshopper #grasshoppers #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
North American Spur-throated Grasshopper (Melanoplus sp.)
#Orthoptera #Grasshopper #Grasshoppers #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #grasshopper #grasshoppers #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
North American Spur-throated Grasshopper (Melanoplus sp.)
#Orthoptera #Grasshopper #Grasshoppers #Insect #Insect
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #grasshopper #grasshoppers #insect #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Crackling Forest Grasshopper (Trimerotropis verruculata)
#Orthoptera #Grasshopper #Grasshoppers #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #grasshopper #grasshoppers #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Scudder's Bush Katydid (Scudderia sp.)
#Orthoptera #Katydid #Katydids #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #katydid #katydids #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Two-striped Grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus)
#Orthoptera #Grasshopper #Grasshoppers #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#orthoptera #grasshopper #grasshoppers #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
@loren @jencmars
Most of my #Katydid (#Tettigoniidae) observations are nymphs of the introduced Meditteranean katydid (#Phaneroptera nana). I have one nymph observation of our native greater anglewing (#Microcentrum rhombifolium). The antennae!
I hear a lot of them in the trees during the summer. I'll have to upload some recordings.
#InverteFest2022 #iNaturalist #Macro #Photography #Insects #FlowerVisitors #Pollinators #Photos #InverteFest #Orthoptera
#katydid #tettigoniidae #phaneroptera #microcentrum #invertefest2022 #inaturalist #macro #photography #insects #flowervisitors #pollinators #photos #invertefest #orthoptera