@jonathankoren @neurovagrant Yeah, and AFAICT they mostly support #btrfs, #ext2 / #ext3 / #ext4, #FAT32 and maybe #ExFAT in some cases where the vendor paid $$ per device to #Microsoft.
Mainline #Linux ≠ #Android #toybox / #linux!
As I've gutted most out of the kernel for #OS1337 myself...
#os1337 #toybox #Android #Linux #Microsoft #exfat #fat32 #ext4 #ext3 #ext2 #btrfs
So whilst I was tempted to click "only one font" [as that's the fact with #OS1337] I acknowledge that this is NOT a distro for everyone and instead I'd rather add in #CelestiaMediumRedux as default font for a Desktop instead.
But that would be too childish so I guess #OpenSans and #Ubuntu font families are more important than #DSEG7 or #DSEG14
#dseg14 #dseg7 #Ubuntu #OpenSans #celestiamediumredux #os1337
@webklex @ChickenPwny yeah, cuz unlimited time = brute force solution finding is a valid option.
Sadly almost all my projects sooner or later hit the brick wall called money that stalls their progression...
The only current project that isn't is #OS1337 because that's just #FLOSS...
@bagder @BrodieOnLinux yeah, I do plan to put #curl in OS/1337 because of that.
Also curl push/post is very noice and allows me to not shove an extra executeable for #ntfy support and just write a function() in an alias file or shell script.
OFC I've also added these to the #OS1337 #git:
@ncommander Granted that's not common for #Distros to do so, and my goal with #OS1337 was to make something more practical than #Floppinux which can barely output some text on screen - at least connect to somethng else that is useful.
OFC I'll release it once tested and satisfactory in useability for what I want to achieve with it.
But yeah, there isn't much beyond #musl being shared among those processes, so it's mostly a tradeoff that'll cost storage or RAM in more extensive setups...
#musl #floppinux #os1337 #distros
@thatguyoverthere @BrodieOnLinux Let's just say that if #Github wants to mandate #2FA they need to make it even more accessible than #git is.
If I can't fit it on an #OS1337 boot floppy and keep it fully airgapped on paper without knowing time and date, it's shit.
If banks accept #iTAN to do million-euro transactions than Github can so too...
#itan #os1337 #Git #2fa #GitHub
Should I make a dedicaded Account for OS/1337?
And if so what instance would be good for that??
So for those asking, the #1440kB #Floppy Version of OS/1337 will be a better #Floppinux with #Ethernet & #Network support and packing in #Dropbear as #SSH client.
So you could at the very least use it as a #SSH #Terminal #distro...
Sadly this means it will require at least an #i686 and won't run on an #i486 anymore as a lot of memory was eaten up by #486SX woraround code in the kernel...
#Development #Linux #os1337 #486SX #i486 #i686 #distro #Terminal #ssh #dropbear #network #ethernet #floppinux #floppy #1440kb
#Linux 6.4.12 (with networking support!) + #toybox 0.8.10 in 980k using #musl-cross-i686
This is awesome...
Seems like I can fit #dropbear as #SSH client on the 3,5" #1440kB #Floppy as well...
I guess it would've been possible to make #Floppinux for a #720k #Floppy as well... ?
#OS1337 #development
#Development #os1337 #720k #floppinux #floppy #1440kb #ssh #dropbear #musl #toybox #Linux
OS/1337 development:
Using the oldest still maintained #longterm #linux #Kernel did yield about 25% size reduction for it's binary...
The good news: I basically have a new size record with the same settings: 551kB for the Kernel and 402k for toybox - both targeting #i486 systems.
The bad news: I've got neither network nor USB support at all!
And I think Network support and having #dropbear as minimal #SSH client is kinda necessary for #OS1337 to work as a "#terminal" system at all.
#Terminal #os1337 #ssh #dropbear #i486 #Kernel #Linux #longterm
@thatguyoverthere@shitposter.club @thatguyoverthere@xmrposter.club I jokingly named that concept OS/1337...
As a whink to OS/2 and System/360 and I'm shure #IBM would go after me if I named it OS/420...