I missed this yesterday - what a brilliant action indeed! #JustStopOil #OrangeConfetti
Quite a wedding, with #TheEmail too 😊
#juststopoil #orangeconfetti #osborne #theemail
So George #Osborne has a new podcast. What do the victims of his #austerity policies get? | Aditya Chakrabortty https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/06/george-osborne-podcast-austerity-ed-balls
A bit of probing uncovered the fact that the +12V rail was shorted to ground. That rail is only used by the RAM and the RS232 hardware, so that narrows it down. Shorted IC or shorted capacitor? Tune in next week! #RetroComputing #Osborne
Labour don’t have a plan to fix this Tory mess either | The Independent
#tories #labour #starmer #pmqs #ToryMortgagePenalty #mortgage #Sunak #ToryEconomicFailure #inflation #interestrates #uk #cherrypicking #brexit #libdems #snp #northsea #oilandgas #licenses #reeves #DoingLikeTheTories #cameron #osborne #mullin #minibudget #Truss #byrne
'George #Osborne is either utterly deluded or a shameless knave' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/george-osborne-utterly-deluded-shameless-30283748
Austerity by Cameron-Osbourne to be probed at coronavirus inquiry
#covid #CovidInquiry #austerity #cameron #osborne #brexit #tuc
Britain remains ‘wildly under-resilient’, Covid inquiry hears | Covid inquiry | The Guardian
#covid #CovidInquiry #resiliance #emergencyplanning #Letwin #cameron #deptofhealth #HealthProtectionAgency #osborne #blackwell #HealthAndSocialCare
David #Cameron and George #Osborne to blame for #NHS’s ‘disastrous’ Covid response, #BMA claims https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/david-cameron-george-osborne-covid-inquiry-bma-b2359956.html
Stop blaming ‘the Blob’ for failures, George Osborne tells Tories | The Independent
#tories #theblob #osborne #politicalopponents #scapegoating #scapegoat
‘Chilling’ police crackdown of anti-monarchy protests during King’s coronation ‘deeply disturbing’, MPs say
#antimonarchy #protests #ProtestBans #coronation #mps #police #labour #Sultana #notmyking #osborne #Bryne #met #PublicOrderBill #republic #liberty #humanrightswatch #homeoffice
George #Osborne ’s sordid Elgin plan. The #artefacts belong neither to #Greece nor #Britain.
by Yanis Varoufakis
Στα ελληνικά εκδόθηκε στο @thepressproject
#osborne #artefacts #greece #britain
#smialcimadelosvientos En la fundación #Osborne, que tiene amplia relación con el padre Francis Morgan y #tolkien
#smialcimadelosvientos #osborne #tolkien
Only a very foolish conspiracy theorist thinks the 2008 banking crisis that originated in the US had anything to do with the #Labour government in the UK - we were victims, that's all
And #gordonBrown made heroic efforts to limit the damage it caused - shame #osborne screwed the UK with a decade of #austerity & QE instead of handling it properly.
#Labour #gordonbrown #osborne #austerity
Matt Hancock: What are claims and counter-claims over leaked Covid messages? | The Independent
#hancock #covid #covidtesting #whatsapp #carehomes #johnson #ReesMogg #osborne
I'm fond of the 5150, I was working at #ComputerLand doing tech on cp/m machines #Osborne #DEC when IBM introduced the future!
Choice of cutting taxes rather than public spending was a political choice. Maj of the pop has suffered from that choice and now we have ppl dying from the Tory gov cuts. 12 years of cuts. #austerity #ToryGov #Osborne #NHScrisis
#nhscrisis #osborne #torygov #austerity
Der zweite Stier der Reise. Für mich gehören diese Werbe-Ikonen einfach zu Spanien, zu schade, daß sie so selten geworden sind.
The second bull on my journey. For me these billboards are the quintessential icon of Spain, it's a pitty, they are getting so rare.
#bull #stier #osborne #roadtrip23