The 'Osborne Effect' is named after the Osborne Computer Corporation, who had a successful personal computer in the early 1980s called the Osborne 1. Founder Adam Osborne began hyping their next-generation machine before it was built, and his hype was so effective that customers stopped buying Osborne 1s in anticipation. They went bankrupt and never finished the project.
-- Osborne Effect
⬆ #Quotes #OsborneEffect #Business #Hype
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #WhiteRimTrail #Canyonlands #Utah
#quotes #osborneeffect #business #hype #photography #panorama #whiterimtrail #canyonlands #utah
The 'Osborne Effect' is named after the Osborne Computer Corporation, who had a successful personal computer in the early 1980s called the Osborne 1. Founder Adam Osborne began hyping their next-generation machine before it was built, and his hype was so effective that customers stopped buying Osborne 1s in anticipation. They went bankrupt and never finished the project.
-- Osborne Effect
#quotes #osborneeffect #business #hype #photography #panorama #sunset #florida
I don’t get why meta announces #quest3 now, when they’re still selling the predecessor and it won’t be released for months. #osborneEffect